Which one is better? A facility management software (FM) or Internal Warehouse Management Solutions (IWMS)



When it comes to choosing facility management solutions, a lot of corporate executives at the top are often found exploring a wide variety of options. They often face the pressure of limiting costs but nowadays they are given a free hand to make sensible decisions. Yet, the cost aspect cannot be easily forgotten.

Quality now makes way instead of financial frugality, as determined by executives working at numerous facility management companies in Saudi Arabia.

The most popular ones are as under:

  • Integrated workplace management systems (IWMS).
  • Enterprise asset management (EAM).
  • Computer-aided facility management (CAFM).
  • Facility management software (FMS).

The right solution for the company will ultimately depend on the specific needs. In this blog post, we explore some of the differences between IWMS solutions and FM and which one will suit them best.

IWMX Solutions versus FM Software – The Breakdown

IWMS Solutions

Warehouse management system solution is a management system that helps maximize workplace resources and works as a sole repository for the management of information. This includes some parts of facility operations management as well as real estate portfolio and space management.

IWMS solutions typically have a foundation in space and workplace management, with some supporting maintenance and other functions of facility management. IWMS Solutions act as a database that helps optimize the use of workplace resources in a much efficient and effective manner.

Facilities Management Software (FMS)

Facilities management software (FMS) supports facility operations managers and their teams in managing, monitoring and maintaining their facilities. Basic software for facility management can handle asset management, maintenance whereas more advanced software solutions can support capital planning, facility compliance and asset mapping based on location.

Facilities management software serves as a platform to enable IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI) based predictive models that support more proactive workflows.

Moreover, facilities management software (FMS) centralizes all built environment data for streamlined management and analysis which is automated.

Which of these two is better?

IWMS solutions and Facility management software solutions have the following comparable features:

  • Work order management.
  • Schedules for preventive maintenance.
  • Asset management.
  • Service request portals.
  • Inspection programs.

The main differences between the two solutions lie in the kinds of data facility managers can gather and, most importantly, what their central focus is. IWMS solutions act more like a database repository, managing the workplace resources whereas facility management software solutions focus on the built environment as well as the tasks related to the buildings themselves.

Those who are looking for software that can streamline their facilities’ tasks, then a modernized facilities management solution is the best option for them. It helps provide top of the line accurate facility analysis providing prioritization data leaders need for communication with stakeholders and set the foundation to optimize as well as even revolutionize facility operations.

It should however be understood that facility management was never created equally

Top-notch facility management software providers admit that they often have a slight bias. They do however believe facilities management software meets more needs of facility managers in comparison to what numerous IWMS solutions providers provide.

Most facilities management software providers also believe that not each facility management software was created equally whether or not a particular solution was able to meet an organization’s needs. This all depends on the unique facility characteristics and the capabilities of the platform the company chooses.

But before we understand the reasons why facilities management software is fundamental to modernizing a company’s operations, it is important to first measure up traditional facility management tools and practices, and check the shortcomings too.

Traditional facility management – an overview

Facility management leaders have traditionally made strategic level decisions on the basis of data collected from a mix of disjointed and scattered sources: siloed digital databases, old metal filing cabinets along with a pile of sticky notes and disorganized ledgers.

Using these disparate data gathering methods means that essential asset information is hemorrhaging through cracks in the system. With a huge amount of critical data going to waste, getting a complete picture of the buildings and portfolio is not possible.

But it does not have to be this way. Modern solutions provide a unified and streamlined platform to organize and analyze the loads of scattered data points.