What’s the Best Online Adult Education Platform in 2022


When you first hear the word “education”, what comes to your mind? Schools, colleges, students? Something similar, right? Mostly we think about the 5-20 age group. But think about the current times, is education really limited to just that? No. The world has become a very competitive place. There’s constant neck-to-neck competition, and people are working really hard to thrive in such a combative environment. For the same reason, even people holding multiple degrees are learning new skills online. In this article, let’s discuss some of the best online adult education platforms in 2022.

Online Education

Although the online education industry had already started to build its foundation, the pandemic undoubtedly gave a meteoric boost to the same. Tools like google meet, zoom, google classroom, Microsoft teams, and office for education have made it possible to educate students online without facing any setbacks; rather, it has an upper edge over the offline mode of education. Let’s see what benefits online education platforms have over the offline mode of education:

  • The flexibility of learning from anywhere, with just as few taps on the screens of your devices. 
  • The availability of a wide range of courses and programs to choose from. 
  • Enhances the time management of individuals.

Best online adult education platforms 

There’s no doubt that education for school-going students and education for adults is not the same. For the same reason, adult education platforms are quite different from the education platforms for school-going students. Let’s see in 2022 what are some of the best online adult education platforms for you. 


There’s no way you haven’t already heard about Coursera. Coursera is an online learning platform that works in more than 48 countries. That is quite a big number for an online adult education platform. The most amazing fact about Coursera is that it has started to join hands with some of the best companies around the globe to make quality education easily accessible to one and all. You’d be stunned to know that the student base of Coursera is as humongous as 76 million students. Quite fascinating, right?


Another online education platform that you surely would have heard of is Udemy. Similar to Coursera, Udemy has a wide student base and a wider range of course options to choose from. You can subscribe to courses by some of the top educators from all around the globe. Udemy is actually the perfect platform for anyone, irrespective of their age or educational background. Udemy is perfect for people who are worried about the pre-requisite knowledge or lack of prior experience. Even if you just want to start off with something from absolute zero, Udemy is the correct palace for you. 


Looking for courses, especially by top universities of the world like Harvard, MIT, or Berkeley? edX is the platform you’re looking for in that case. Although edX is not as popular as Coursera and Udemy, it is definitely no less in quality and the range of options to choose from. edX is a non-profit provider of online courses. 

Choosing the best online adult education platform

Since we talked about the best platforms that you can go with to learn a new skill that you want to learn in 2022, we know that it can be quite confusing to choose the right platform for yourself. The truth is there’s no thing as a “right” platform when it comes to education. It is true that every platform mentioned in this article has its own pros and cons, yet it is completely up to you to choose what suits you the best. However, we’d suggest you try every platform to get a taste of the education pattern for every platform and then finally choose the right platform for yourself.