What You Need to Know About the Death of the Third-Party Cookie


The death of the third-party cookie is something that has been widely discussed and debated. Some have even gone as far as to say the decline of third-party cookies has been imminent. 

However, while recent changes in EU legislation has forced Google and other companies to reassess their use of cookies, the death of the third-party cookie hasn’t happened yet. Let’s take a closer look at what this means for your business and how you can adapt to ensure your digital marketing presence remains relevant.

What is a third-party cookie?

A third-party cookie is an internet browser cookie that is created and controlled by a third party. This third party is usually an advertising network. Third-party cookies are usually used for tracking website traffic and gathering demographic information as well as tracking user behavior. 

This is usually done in order to target advertisements to specific users based on their interests. Traditionally, websites have used first-party cookies to store information, such as preferences and login details, on the user’s computer so they don’t have to re-enter it each time they visit the site. 

This cookie can be deleted by the user at any time, but it only belongs to the website that created it. Third-party cookies are created and controlled by a company other than the website that the user is currently visiting. This other company is usually an advertising network that uses data gathered from first-party cookies to create a profile of the user.

Why are there changes to third-party cookies?

The major changes around third-party cookies have been in response to new legislation passed by the European Union in May of 2018. This legislation, often referred to as GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is designed to give individuals more control over their personal data and the businesses that collect it. 

These rules were designed to be a global standard for data privacy, meaning that even companies outside of the EU will have to follow them if they do business with EU citizens. This legislation has caused Google, and other major companies, to rethink their use of third-party cookies. 

How Can Companies adapt to the death of the third party Cookie?


The most notable change will be in how Google tracks users across their many different platforms. Google currently uses third-party cookies to track users on both Google and non-Google sites. 

This means that in order to effectively target users, Google needs to be able to follow them across all of the sites they visit. Now, however, Google has announced that they will be changing both their privacy policy and their tracking policy in light of GDPR. 

They say that they will now only be placing first-party cookies on users’ computers and that they will no longer be using third-party cookies to track users. This means that Google will no longer be able to effectively target ads to users because they will no longer be able to track them across the web.

Google changes its cookie tracking policy – what does this mean for your business?


When it comes to tracking and targeting users, Google and other companies will need to get more creative with their marketing efforts. Most companies will switch to an audience-based marketing approach. By the end of 2024 google will phase out cookies on the chrome browser. This means that cookies will disappear in 2023 as we head to 2024.

This means that they will target you based on who you are as a person, not what sites you visit. This will result in less relevant ads and a higher bounce rate, meaning that more people will leave your website without making a purchase. 

This change will be especially detrimental to companies that rely on retargeting campaigns, since it will no longer be effective.

The rise of single sign-on (SSO)


As companies struggle to create effective marketing strategies without third-party cookies, many will turn to single sign-on (SSO) to give them the data they need. This method allows users to log in to a variety of different platforms with one username and password. 

By tracking the user’s behavior across all of the different platforms, these companies are able to effectively target their ads based on user behavior. Many websites offer an SSO option, and there are even third-party companies that specialize in creating a single login for multiple platforms. 

This means that as a user, you only have to enter your password once and your information is then tracked across all of the sites that you log into. This makes it easier for people to use these websites and services, but it also gives companies the data they need to effectively target ads to users.

How can you use Single Sign-On in your business?

Companies that offer their customers an SSO login option can use it to gather important information about those customers. This can range from general demographic information like gender, income, and age to more targeted information, like which brands and products they prefer. This can help them to target ads to individuals that are most likely to purchase those products.

There are a lot of different options that you can use, but there are some common ones that you should consider as well. For example, you may have seen the “Save & Share” button on websites like Amazon, and this is where you would enter your username and password and then click the “Save this page” button. This will then allow Amazon to save a copy of the page in your browser so that they can make changes later on.

This information can then be used to target ads to specific users based on their interests, making them more effective. This also gives you access to data on your competitors, allowing you to target ads towards users who are already familiar with your brand.

The Importance of Audience Branding in Marketing

Audience branding is the process of creating personas based on your user data. This allows you to create targeted ads based on the specific type of user that is most likely to buy your products. 

The Importance of Targeted Audience Advertising in Marketing. Targeted audience advertising (TAA) is the process of targeting users based on what they are interested in and what they are looking for in a certain product or service. This gives you the ability to create targeted ads that are more effective because you only have to target your users based on who they are rather than where they live. 

This also makes it easier to target ads towards users who have already decided that they would like your product or service. Targeted audience advertising is used in marketing campaigns, such as those run through Facebook, Google AdWords campaigns, and other online marketing efforts. 

The goal of this type of advertising is to create an impression that your brand is one that people want to buy from. In order for this advertising campaign to work, you need an audience that is interested in the product, service or business being advertised. According to Phi Dang, by targeting all of these types of people with ads, you can increase your conversion rates by as much as 50%.

This makes your ads more effective because you are targeting users based on who they are, not where they are. It is important to remember that this information is only as accurate as the data that your users provide. Make sure that you have a thorough Terms and Conditions policy in place so that you only gather the data that you really need.

Organic Content Advertising

As more companies start to rely on single sign-on to gather data, another trend has emerged: organic content advertising. Organic content ads are sponsored posts that are shown to users without charge. 

Similar to Google’s previous use of third-party cookies, organic content ads are featured on other websites based on the user’s previous browsing habits. This means that you can reach a wider audience with a lower budget and it gives you the data you need to effectively target your ads. 

This type of advertisement is becoming increasingly popular because it is a low-cost way to reach a wide audience while gathering valuable data.

Paid Advertising and Sponsored Posts

As more companies start to rely on organic content advertising, paid advertising and sponsored posts will become less effective. This means that you will have to increase your budget in order to reach the same amount of people with your ads. 

It also means that your ads will be less effective because they will be less targeted. Paid advertising and sponsored posts are effective when you know exactly who you are trying to reach.

Bottom line

The death of the third-party cookie has been a long time coming, but that doesn’t mean that companies are completely out of options. Companies will have to get more creative with their marketing efforts and make sure that they are investing in strategies that will be effective in the long run. 

Organic content ads are the best option for reaching a large number of people without breaking the bank. By investing in these strategies, you will be able to better target your ads and build a lasting digital presence.

Author: Cosmas Mwirigi

Cosmas alias Cosii-Riggz is a technology enthusiast and SAAS writer who helps clients understand products by explaining services for businesses. He has been featured in websites such as PV Magazine and Bitcoin Kenya. During his free time, he likes traveling to new places and exploring what’s new on the internet.