What Is Test Automation in Salesforce and Its Significance?


Salesforce was launched almost two decades ago, and since then, it has been more than a contact database. It had customer details for tracking the sales opportunities. However, a lot has changed since then! All the departments, from sales and marketing to operations and finance, depend on Salesforce for taking their business ahead. 

Organizations implement workflows, customized input fields, and several third-party integrations that are specific to their business needs. These customizations improve the process and functionality. However, deploying the customizations without test automation will slow the delivery cycle and lead to errors in UI. 

About Salesforce Test Automation

Earlier, manual testing was being used for searching and finding out the potential bugs along with the black box. Test automation was used for only unit and integration tests. With the change in time and AI-assisted testing, test coverage has increased far beyond manual capacity. It enables the users to adopt the scalable approach for smarter testing and faster release. 

It can’t be said that manual testing can be replaced completely with test automation. It is to be known that automated testing doesn’t replace the role of a human tester. After all, they begin testing by building models and performing analysis of the data. Test automation takes over manual testing for delivering quick and credible results. To witness the benefits of salesforce automation testing, you must have a look at the issues manual testing presents. 

Problems With Manual Testing

Just think of the business logic customizations the Salesforce platform has and the various browsers, devices, and operating systems that can be used. Also, think about the different system and application integrations. There are lots of applications using Salesforce in the background. Software developers pick some dedicated ODBC driver for Salesforce and build the application on that base. They know it will use the platform most efficiently, but lots of other things to care about remain. Think of the user journey and action taken across the ecosystem.

Can you imagine testing all the permutations manually? It would be a herculean task, and even the thought of testing it manually will tire your brain.

Wastage Of Time and Money

It is clear by now that building, executing, and maintaining manual tests can be time-consuming! With several moving parts, finding out each user’s journey is not possible. Putting efforts into this is a sheer wastage of time and money. Moreover, manual tests are fragile and break quite often, and this can end up taking up more money and time. 

Reliability Factor

Salesforce is a dynamic application with several features delivered with 3 automatic upgrades every year. Updates are great for improving the function of UI, but regular updates break manual scripts that need hours to fix.

These updates change some elements like iFrames, dropdowns, and pop-up windows in the source code. Post updates the pre-existing tests scripts break. Manually searching thousands of lines of codes to find which web element got changed can be a painful process. 

It can be said that test automation is fast and accurate, along with maintaining the core function of delivering a quality experience to users. Automation will reduce your testing efforts to a few minutes instead of long hours. 

Opkey is the only tool that mines your unique Salesforce processes and Meta Data for creating thousands of unbreakable tests within hours. Use Opkey’s test automation technology and accelerate the time-to-value of your Salesforce projects.