What is revision rhinoplasty?


Any further surgery on a nose that has already undergone modifications is known as revision rhinoplasty Toronto. As a kind of plastic surgery, rhinoplasty modifies the surface and interior components of the nose to enhance its aesthetics and functionality. This is perhaps one of cosmetic surgery’s trickiest procedures, and it requires skilled hands to do it. Scar tissue and surgical modifications to the nose’s natural architecture contribute to the nose’s sensitivity. Dr Cory Torgerson is the leading choice for your revision rhinoplasty procedure. 

How does revision rhinoplasty differ from the initial rhinoplasty procedure?

When a person has had many nose jobs, the inside and exterior architecture of their nose may no longer be the same. The nose may be deformed in terms of size or shape, or it may be missing parts. The surgeon must be able to replace, reshape, and reconstruct the nose to bring it back to a state of healthy anatomy, function, and aesthetics, given this anatomical variance. In many cases, restoring a nose requires a surgeon with extensive training and competence. A new nose may be integrated using techniques like rib grafting and ear grafting, also known as free grafting.

What is the point of having a second rhinoplasty?

Patients who have had prior procedures with less-than-ideal results may benefit from a second operation known as revision surgery. You may feel that more might have been done to improve the appearance of your nose. This may occur often due to a misunderstanding with your primary surgeon. Nasal drooping, a hooded nasal tip, nasal bone abnormalities, nasal asymmetry, infections, and excessive scar tissue development are all potential side effects of the first operation. Infections that cannot be treated with antibiotics are also possible in patients who have just had implants installed. 

What is the procedure for revision rhinoplasty?

It’s possible to execute revision rhinoplasty in a manner similar to the first operation. Both open and closed methods may be used for this purpose. A little incision is made at the nose’s base to provide an open approach. The nasal tip, bridge, and bones may all be reached during surgery, allowing for a more thorough examination of the nasal cavity. This method may be necessary for patients with very serious problems, such deformities or extensive nasal obstruction. 

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A closed rhinoplasty is accomplished with the use of concealed, internal incisions inside the nose. Because of this, the nasal tip and nasal framework may be altered somewhat. Surgery of this kind is intended for individuals whose problems are very small and may be fixed without an incision.