What is a Breast Reduction (Reduction mammaplasty) Surgery?


Breast reduction surgery, which is defined as ‘reduction mammaplasty’ in medical language, is a type of operation preferred due to abnormally large and saggy breasts or medical problems caused by it. In other words, breast reduction surgery can be performed due to medical problems as well as aesthetic concerns. In addition to reducing genetically large breasts, breast reduction surgery, which is applied to lift sagging breasts after breastfeeding, is also applied to prevent back and shoulder pain, wounds and infections under the breast due to the size of the breasts. Breast aesthetics can also be performed to relieve the feeling of pressure on the shoulders caused by bra straps and to restrict physical activity. In addition to all these, breast reduction surgery can also be performed for people who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their breasts. Breast augmentation surgeries are as preferred as breast reduction surgeries. After obesity treatment, breast reduction surgeries are preferred by most people. Obesity treatment in Turkey is one of the queries that users are looking for.

What are the Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery?

As with every operation, there are some risks in breast reduction surgery. Some of these risks can be listed as follows:

  • Infection and bleeding may rarely occur after surgery.
  • Nipple sensation may be negatively affected.
  • Since the milk ducts may be damaged during surgery, the breast’s lactation potential may decrease.
  • Many different health problems may occur in operations that are not performed under appropriate conditions.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery Performed?

Breast reduction surgery, which is performed by removing the skin and fat tissue in the breast, is a type of operation applied to people aged 20 years and over when body development is completed. Breast reduction surgery, which requires the completion of physical development as well as hormonal regulation, can only be applied to people under this age if there is a medical necessity. Breast reduction surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Breast aesthetics is completed within 2.5 to 4 hours depending on the size of the breast, using lollipop incision and inverted T incision methods. In determining the method, parameters such as breast size, the position of the nipple according to the breast fold, breast tissue, skin structure, the distance between the nipple and the shoulder and hip are taken into consideration. In the lollipop incision method, the circumference of the nipple is cut circularly and then the breast tissue and excess skin tissue are removed. In the procedure, which is performed taking into account the physical appearance of the person, the nipple can be moved upwards if necessary. The skin is closed, taking care not to damage the milk ducts, and then the surgery is completed by placing a drain in the area to accelerate healing and to expel the blood accumulated in the breast. In the inverted T incision method, an incision is made in the lower part of the breast in the shape of an inverted letter T. After the excess breast tissue and skin are removed, the operation is terminated as in the lollipop type incision method. After breast reduction surgery, the patient must be hospitalized for one day. The patient is discharged after the drain is removed and the dressing is applied. After the operation, the patient is checked at the end of the 1st and 2nd week. During the 2nd week check-up, the stitches are removed and special creams are used to reduce the scars. Thanks to the special bra, the patient can return to his/her daily life after 1 week of home rest. However, it is recommended to wear a special bra similar to a sports bra for 6 weeks. Mild stinging and tingling may be felt in the breasts for 6 to 12 months after the operation. However, this feeling does not reduce the quality of life.

Are There Scars After Breast Reduction Surgery?

As with almost all operations, scars may remain on the skin after breast reduction surgery. The shape and size of the scar depends on the technique used during the operation. In the lollipop type of operation, the surgical scar is less. This is because the amount of incision is small and the incision is around the nipple. In other words, the scar between the skin and the nipple is almost imperceptible due to the color difference in this area. In the inverted T type of surgery, the scar is larger. The incision downward from the nipple gains skin color over time and becomes less obvious. The horizontal line at the fold of the breast is not visible unless viewed from the opposite side. The surgical scar also varies depending on how much the breast has sagged or how much reduction is desired.