What Are the Components of Transaction Data?


Data from new transactions that take place across the United States is gathered by various businesses. This data is compiled into virtual storage areas, such as data warehouses. When the data is reviewed, it helps a business to determine the best way to move for a money-making venture.

One form of data that exists is transaction data. We’ll break down the various components of the transaction data processing method.

Transactional Systems

To break down what the components of transaction data are, let’s begin with what this form of data is. Transactional data involves information that is captured from transactions. This can include transaction data lifted from shopping at places like independent pharmacies, restaurants, and retail outlets. The real-time insight that’s gathered from this transaction data includes the time of the transaction, the place where the transaction occurred, the price points of the items purchased, the payment method used, any discounts, and other additional information that is related to the transaction. One of the first components of transaction data includes transactional systems.

Transactional systems involve utilizing processing to divide work into individual, indivisible operations that are called transactions. Data science software leader TIBCO utilizes such transactional systems in their everyday projects. Transactional systems include software systems, or software-hardware hybrids that support transaction processing. Examples of these include point-of-sale servers, security software, ATMs, and payment gateway data. Other examples of transactional systems include operations systems such as order entry, airline reservations, payroll, employee records, manufacturing, and shipping. Transactional systems that provide transactional solutions are but one of the many components of transaction data.

Data Archive

The second major component of transaction data includes the data archive. Once you’ve finished processing your transaction data through the transactional systems, one of the second points that you’ll hit is the data archive. The data that you’ll find in this component is sometimes difficult to read. It might contain extras such as letters, symbols, or numbers. Within the data, the archive is where you can attempt to get a clean capture of the information that has come over from the transactional data systems.

At the smallest level, a data archive is a data warehouse or a collection of numerical data sets for use in research. Transactional data is different than other forms of data that are stored in data archives such as these. Some of the data stored in these data archives include master data, reference data, and analytical data. Master data, that is found in a data archive represents actual, critical business objects that include what transactions are performed. Analytical data is created through calculations or analyses that are run on transactional data. There are other forms of this data that can be stored in data archives. These include financial transactional data, logistical transactional data, and work-related transactional data. Having a place like a data archive to store all this underlying data is helpful in the data capturing function.

Operational Data Store

The last component of transaction data involves the operational data store (ODS). This includes a database type that collects data from many different sources. The data is then used for processing. After this takes place, it sends the data to operational systems and data warehouses where it can be stored virtually. An example of this that you come across on your laptop computer is an online store. An online store with a billing system that records customer information and a transaction system that can track purchases is an example of an operational data store. Using these data warehouses, the ODS can be used to report and source data. Operation data stores are important parts of the transaction data.