Vicodin: What Is It?



Vicodin ( Hydrocodone ) is an effective narcotic pain reliever and antitussive medicine. The presence of paracetamol in the drug enhances the analgesic effect but limits the maximum daily dose, taking into account the likelihood of paracetamol accumulation in toxic concentrations. Vicodin is an active pain reliever and cough medicine that is taken by mouth. A therapeutic dose of 5-10 milligrams is pharmacologically equivalent to 60 milligrams of oral morphine.

In terms of the danger of addiction, it is comparable to codeine. Long-term use of Hydrocodone in high doses can cause mild euphoria, and in the future, addiction. There is a headache, dry mouth, general weakness in case of an overdose, and he begins to pull into sleep. The same symptoms develop as with codeine poisoning.

Hydrocodone is an active pain reliever and cough medicine that is taken by mouth. It is in Schedule II drugs but which are sold among Schedule III drugs. A therapeutic dose of 5-10 milligrams is pharmacologically equivalent to 60 milligrams of oral morphine. The sale and production of this drug have increased significantly in recent years, as has their illegal use.

The clinical and pharmacological profile of Hydrocodone is the same as that of codeine. It is well absorbed when taken enterally (about 50%) and has a pronounced antitussive effect. Therefore, Hydrocodone is used only enterally, usually in combination with other non-narcotic analgesics for pain relief.


It is believed that when metabolized in the liver, it can form hydromorphone.

Clinical use

Hydrocodone ( Vicodin ) is usually given in combination with acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid. This combination provides a synergistic effect; the level of pain relief corresponds to the action of a double dose of each of these drugs. The side effects diminish in this case.

Side effects

Vicodin include allergic reactions, seizures, clammy skin, increased weakness, dizziness, hyperventilation, loss of consciousness, yellowing of the eyes or skin, unusual fatigue, bleeding, bruising, constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite, muscle cramps. Sweating, hot flashes, itching, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, reduced urination and reduced sex drive.

Mechanish Of Action

Separately, it should be said about the action that the drug Vicodin has. So, when active substances enter the body, the following reactions occur:

The main action of Hydrocodone is directed at the opioid receptor system. When the patient takes a pill, this substance is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. The effect of its use occurs within 30 minutes after application.

Acetaminophen is a cyclooxygenase inhibitor that produces prostaglandins that are responsible for the sensation of pain. As a result of slowing down the activity of enzymes, pain is reduced. An hour after application, the maximum concentration of the substance is reached.

And also, it should be remembered that the additional component of paracetamol, which is part of this medication, gets into the body and decomposes after 3 hours. The metabolites of this substance are nontoxic. Approximately 85% of such a tablet is excreted orally (via the kidneys). As a result of a drug overdose, highly active compounds accumulate in the body, which leads to damage to liver cells and their gradual death.