USPS Blue Lite – All You Need To Know


If you are looking for information related to USPS blue lite or postal blue lite then you are on the right platform, here you will know all information about this topic. USPS blue lite or liteblue is an online portal for all the USPS which is used for all over United States Portal services employees, even this website gives full access to USPS employees to their USPS online internet, plus with this portal, you can easily access all the new latest news related to USPS employment.

Let’s know in deep about USPS blue lite-

Information about USPS blue lite

USPS blue lite is an online portal designed for USPS employees. This portal is available 24/7 and gives access to their employees for an individual account and other details status.

This Blue USPS gov portal is an essential service that allows millions of employees of the gov to gain access to vital information, so it is helpful to know that they are allowed to do work on it.

This portal gives you every access from the ability to track your progression to current and most recent information and other news too which is related to the company.

There is other access that is available for personnel on the Blue USPS gov-

  • You can easily check your benefits and plans, even the status of your insurance too.
  • You can see upcoming work schedules
  • Bidding for assignment and routes
  • Can easily track your company pension plan and retirement plans.
  • You can check to leave feedback too.

How to login on to USPS Blue Lite?

The best part about LiteBlue is it provides a multi-language option, so you can use it in any language in which you are comfortable such as English, Spanish, Chinese, or any other language, goes and must check about it.

Now the main point is what is the requirement to log in to the employer account?

Here are the 2 types of information which help you to log in to the USPS Liteblue login page- USPS Blue Lite login webpage-

The number you are using is your postal bluelite employee ID number, it is an 8-digit code assigned to all the USPS employees, and it is located in your earnings statement located just over the employee.

Now you need a USPS self-service profile password which is also called SSP, this password gives access to users for the self-service website of the company applications.

What are the steps to log in on USPS login- (BlueLite USPS gov login)

Now the point is what we actually need during the login or signup process, if you want to know follow the below steps-

  • Firstly you need to access the homepage of the portal, through this link you can visit it- scroll down until you will come to the login section
  • After finding the login information fill in the Employee ID and password which is your SSP password, and enter all the data
  • Then enter all the important information and click on LOGIN which will take you to your profile.
  • Now after all these steps you can use your employee account.

How to reset the USPS blue lite password?

If you are a new user or 1st-time user on the blue USPS gov platform then you have to create your password, follow the guidance which is on this link, it will be helpful for you, after visiting on this link follow the instructions properly so you can easily set your password, and in case you forgot your SSP profile password you can reset it through this link- or

After visiting any of these links click on forgot your password option which asks you for some personal information to identify your account, after all, verification you can create your new password.

Create SSP password for new SSP employees-

After research, I found that some people wrote about SSP employee’s passwords, and what actually we need to do to create a new SSP employees password, let’s check it in below-

  • When you register on the BlueLite USPS gov site, you need to accept the letter with a temporary SSP password and note that password which is very important and valid only to use on the self-service profile website.
  • After obtaining a temporary password you can make your new personal and permanent password, and note another important note- I found that USPS SSP password cannot log into HR service.
  • Firstly visit, and then click on the SSP button, now a Self Service profile login will be displayed.
  • Must add your Employee identification number (EIN), and that EIN located at the very top of your statement
  • Now enter the 8 digits if there was zero, must enter that too.
  • Then enter your self-service temporary password
  • On the next page you can change your temporary password into the permanent password, just confirm it then everything is done.

Liteblue login problems-

If you are facing trouble during login then it must be a reason

  • In case you are facing any trouble then must be sure that you are entering correct the profile and password details, verify it properly-
  • Your Employee ID comes with 8 numbers
  • your password should be 8 characters to 16 characters
  • At least 1 number ranging from 0 to 9
  • Then 1st letter should be A to Z
  • You can also add a special character for a strong password

Final words-

Bluelite USPS gov is an excellent service that assists employees with everything related to their concern, position, growth, and many more things. And as I told you that there are many benefits of having pension packages, so must check postal blue lite for better clarification.