Top 13 Benefits Of Laser Therapy At Pain Clinic In Edmonton

Benefits Of Laser Therapy


In the past laser therapy was only known to be effective for the treatment of stones in the kidneys. But as other advantages of this therapy became familiar; its use for the treatment of other bodily issues started at Pain Clinic In Edmonton.

Pain Clinic In Edmonton Giving 13 Laser Therapy Benefits

The two kinds of laser therapy options are used to treat several issues musculoskeletal condition, epicondylitis, impingement syndrome, and hip arthrosis. These treatment options use diversified wavelengths to provide the patients with the following benefits.

Good Substitute For Surgery

The therapist will assess the medical condition of the patients and judge whether they require laser therapy or not. Initially, the therapist tries to treat the patient with laser therapy as it is a good substitute for surgery.

Blood Flow Diverted Towards Affected Area

An increase in the flow of the blood helps to heal the affected area faster. Blood takes Nitric oxide to the mitochondria that aid the respiration of the cells.

Releasing Tension Of The Muscles

Only effective laser therapy at Physiotherapy and Pain Clinic In Edmonton will relieve the tension of the muscles. This also lets out the irritation of the nerves and in other parts of the body.

Effectiveness Of Therapy Is Long-Lasting

A lot of patients have reported that they have not felt the use of going for laser therapy after a long time since their first session. Some have not yet felt the need for the therapy again.

Applicable On Several Parts Of Body

The laser treatment is applicable on almost all parts of the body that include shoulders, elbows, hips, upper as well as lower back, and even legs. This treatment focuses on the most affected part of the body.

Effectiveness Is Clinically Approved

Before a treatment option is used on humans; it has to be clinically approved by a group of therapists and researchers. The laser therapy at medical centres like Regenerate Shockwave Therapy is clinically approved and safe.

Therapy Is Harmless

The wavelengths used in this therapy are different for various intensities of pain. But this doesn’t mean that the treatment for severe pain is dangerous. The patients experiencing intense pain have to come for the treatment more than others.

No Oral Medication Required

Some therapies require the patient to take oral medication as well; as the therapist combines two treatments for effectiveness. But in laser therapy, no oral medicines are given.

Exposure To Risk Is Minimal

The chances of infection in this therapy are minimal because the exposure to the laser is very less. But the patients who are suffering from the intense pin will have to be exposed to the therapy more and this can increase the chance of infection.

Best Treatment Option For Seniors

Sometimes the laser therapy is sufficient for some like elders. Other forms of therapy require either oral medication or physical therapy. But laser treatment is enough for the seniors as they not suitable for physical exercise.

Make Changes In Therapy According To Patients

The wavelength of the laser therapy can be changed according to the threshold of the patient. If the patient is not able to tolerate the current frequency, then the therapist can change to the desires of the patient.

Results Are Felt Quickly

The patients have felt the positive effects of the treatment after the first or second session. But the therapist should not stop there and complete the treatment.

Best Choice For Rehabilitation After Surgery

Some injuries are so painful that post-surgery rehabilitation at Pain Clinic In Edmonton is essential. This speeds up the healing process and the patient can recover faster.

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