Tips To Redecorate Your House Like The Movies.


We want our homes to look like the homes we see in the movies, sleek and glossy. But at the same time, those looks are very difficult to attain. Your furniture might be mismatched or your paint might be too dark or the vases on the tables just do not look right with the room etc.

If you are having trouble redecorating your room or house and do not wish to spend extra bucks on hiring an interior designer, fret not. I have some tips for you that will guide you right through!

1.     Choose a colour scheme.

The first decision you need to take while decorating your room is to choose a colour scheme. Remember that your room’s furniture and decorations depend on the colour scheme you choose. Don’t forget to ensure that your colour scheme does not clash with your wall colours. Try to make sure your colour scheme is adaptive to change as you might change your mind and might want to switch up your room after a year or two. Visiting Living Scented would also be a great consideration to find the best home decor tips.

2.     If you’re not on a tight budget, don’t be shy to get wall tiles.

If budget is not an issue, don’t be shy to add wall tiles to your instead of painting. There are many benefits of wall tiles. Much easier to clean and maintain than regular walls and wall tiles do not stain which is a major pro. The most trendy option for you would be acoustic wall tiles with Mumble by Design. Easily available in a very good price range, you will not be disappointed when you see the vast variety of designs available at Mumble by Design.

3.     Work on the lighting.

In 2022, pastels and white palates are a global favourite when it comes to bedrooms. So when you are going for light colour tones, don’t forget to work on the lighting of the room. Ambient lighting, small lamps, or recessed ceiling lights will give your room a very sleek and trendy outlook that you see in the movies. Don’t be shy, invest in your room’s lighting!

4.     Do not overcrowd the room with hefty furniture.

When shopping for furniture, do not get too excited! A protip from interior designers and stylists is to go simple and elegant. Overcrowding your room with large-sized furniture will take away the appeal of your room. Go as modest, glossy, elegant, and minimal as possible. Remember to keep your room roomy. Other than looking luxurious and graceful, such rooms are very easy to maintain as well.

5.     Try to match the bed covers and linens with the curtains.

We all like different styles of décor and that totally depends on us as people. But a tip that will make your room look put together and unique is if you match the linens with the curtains. This does not mean you have to match the prints. You can match the color of the linens with the curtains or the color combination of the linens and bed covers can be in sync with the curtains. Here is where you let your creativity out!