The right stuff: 4 things to look out for in an employment dispute lawyer


Employment disputes are a stressful experience. Whether it’s a case of discrimination, harassment, unfair dismissal or something completely different, it is usually the employee that bears the brunt of this unpleasant occurrence.

That’s why it is absolutely vital to have the best employment dispute lawyer Sydney has available. These are the experts who can provide you with the sound advice and support you need to handle this unfortunate situation with absolute aplomb, working towards receiving the best outcome in the process.

But you need an advocate with the essential skill set to advise you in the best way possible, as many Sydney solicitors aren’t specially trained in this area of law.

With this in mind, here are a few things to look out for to ensure that you get the very best in the business, and not some dud who doesn’t know the difference between unfair and wrongful dismissal:

  1. Are they specialists in this field of law?

First thing’s first: you want to seek out a solicitor who is trained in this field of law. You may have a good friend who works as a solicitor and may want to enlist their services, but are they skilled in the ways of employment disputes? Or, are they more of a specialist in the field of construction law?

You first need to seek out a solicitor who knows the ropes and can help you in your quest to handle this unwanted and likely unforeseen situation…

  1. Are they experienced?

Following on from the first point, and you really want your solicitor to be highly experienced in handling these kinds of disputes. When you meet the prospective advocate for your initial consultation, it really doesn’t hurt to ask if they have experienced a case similar to yours in the past.

Unless your case is without precedent it should be likely that your prospective lawyer has experience providing legal advice and support on a similar situation, and will be able to reference this occasion and how they were able to provide sound advice on the matter.

  1. Will they handle your case?

So, you’ve met who appears to be the best employment dispute lawyer Sydney has available, but are they actually going to handle your case? Or, do they simply intend to pass it onto one of their juniors for a little extra experience?

Your case should be as important to them as it certainly is to you, and naturally this means ensuring your prospective advocate doesn’t lull you in with their consultation only to give the work to someone who’s just finished their placement.

Of course, these juniors need training too, but let’s face it: you want the best in the business if you’re going to be taking on a dodgy employer – let’s hope they will stick to the plan and provide you with a top notch service!

  1. How do they plan on handling the case?

Given that your prospective lawyer should have ample experience in the field, there is no reason why they shouldn’t be able to provide a very rough framework for how they intend to handle your case.

Employment disputes typically have some form of precedent, and so a skilled, experienced advocate will have a general framework of how to go about navigating what could be a complex legal situation.

Once they have proven this – alongside the aforementioned attributes – you’re surely on the way to finding the best in Sydney’s industry!

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