The Health Issues That You Need To Keep An Eye On Once You Hit 30


When we are in our 20s, it can feel like our bodies can take anything we can throw at them. We feel like we can eat whatever we want, drink whatever we want, and when it comes to exercise, we can take it or leave it. Of course, none of that is actually true. Everything we do has an impact on our bodies, it’s just that some people feel that impact sooner than others. However, even if you have coasted through your twenties with minimal damage, the fact is that once you hit 30 and beyond, you need to be a lot more aware of what you are doing to your body.

We have put together a list of the key health issues that anyone over the age of 30 needs to be more aware of. However, it is important to note that some of these problems can affect people of any age, so don’t think that you can get away with not paying attention if you are not past your 20s yet. Let’s get into the most important.

Look At Your Heart Health

We are going to start with the biggest killer worldwide: heart disease. Heart disease is also a particularly big problem in the US right now. It is a term that covers several different issues but the most important takeaway here is that you need to be taking better care of your ticker. The main keys to ensuring that your heart is healthy are your diet and exercise. High fat, high salt and high sugar foods and drinks are going to cause you more and more problems as you get older. Think about swapping out some of your old favorites for healthier options, and make sure that you are eating lean proteins, fresh fruit, and fresh vegetables. You also need to be getting daily exercise. If you are out of practice, start small by setting yourself realistic goals. Even getting a brisk walk once a day can make a real difference.

Keep An Eye Out For Cancer Warning Signs

Even if you are not a smoker, you still need to be looking out for early warning signs of cancer. There are many different contributing factors and there is a very good chance that most of us will develop some form of cancer during our lifetimes. In terms of lifestyle choices, you need to be much more aware of how much red and processed meat you are eating, and how much alcohol you are drinking. You can reduce your risk of developing cancer by maintaining your physical fitness levels. Being overweight is one of the leading contributing factors to developing cancer, so think about getting into an exercise routine. 

When it comes to diagnosis, spotting it early before it gets more serious, and spreads is the key. There are warning signs that you should be aware of, such as fatigue, pain or bleeding without any obvious cause, and any new lumps and bumps, but you should also think about getting a scan. A full-body scan for cancer will take a close look at your organs to spot any signs of cancer and give you the best chance of spotting it early. Visit Ezra to learn more about their full-body MRI scans and talk to one of their expert advisors.

Get Your Eyes Checked

This point may sound less serious than the ones above, but it is very important. We all grew up hearing that we shouldn’t sit so close to our screens. Well, after a couple of years of working from home and constantly scrolling the news on our devices, not to mention social media, we have all been giving our eyes a big workout. There is a good chance that you will need some assistance with your vision, and the longer you leave it, the more strain you will be putting your eyes under. Book an appointment with an optician to see if you need any help. 

Get Checked For STIs Regularly

Here is one that you should be doing from the time that you become sexually active, but it is important enough to bear repeating. If you are sexually active and you have multiple partners or a new partner, then you should get an STI test. STD numbers have been climbing in the US in recent years and it has doctors worried. Remember that many of these illnesses can be hard to spot until they have developed to a severe extent. 

You also need to remember that this is not just a health issue that affects you, this affects your partner too. Be responsible and make sure that you are getting tested regularly. Use protection if you are having sex with anyone who is not your partner, and if you use needles, you must never share them. These are the most common ways for STIs to be spread, but they are not the only ones, so get checked even if you don’t think those points apply to you!