The Dangers of a Three-Fold Illness, If You Don’t Take Care of Yourself


When thinking about fitness and well-being the matter can be broken down into 3 categories, physical, psychological and nutritional. It’s important to maintain a healthy level of each of one of those categories, even letting one slip could mean that the others suffer and you end up with a threefold illness. Here’s a little bit of meat to add to the bone and some suggestions that may help;

The dangers

With an alarming number of reports concerning rising obesity rates, illnesses and ailments associated with being overweight and out-of-shape, it is hard to overlook the significance of fitness and well-being in our lives today. Cancer, diabetes, and mental illnesses such as depression are all linked to a lack of fitness and well-being. Mozzies are another danger; check out , where you can order wipes, patches and bands, all at affordable prices.

While focusing on exercise and nutrition might benefit those suffering from these conditions, you shouldn’t wait until you get sick to start a health and fitness program. According to recent surveys, up to 75% of individuals are overweight or obese and only around 25% of people engage in strenuous physical and/or recreational activities three or more times each week. 

What can you do?

Sleep is one of the best things a person can do and, it’s essential for good health, provides a better foundation for exercise, and mental well-being. Experts recommend eight hours of sleep every night to reap the most advantages. Sleep deprivation has been shown to reduce the effectiveness of your immune system, and it has also been linked to an increase in heart disease as well as Type 2 diabetes. According to recent research, not getting enough sleep might hinder people from losing weight. Protein supplements are advised, as this boosts the immune system.

With the ongoing threat of a variety of health concerns caused by obesity, it is apparent that everyone should be concerned about their own fitness and mental well-being. Making the required modifications to your daily life is the only way to obtain a healthy and fit lifestyle, but those adjustments do not have to be extreme at first, and they should be activities that you like and look forward to doing. 

Progress, not perfection

The most essential thing is to make an attempt to improve all aspects of your own health and well-being, even if the progress is slow, when you start out, limit your expectations and take things slowly. Don’t expect miracles overnight, more often than not, small tweaks in each of the 3 areas will be more successful than trying to reach perfection, ‘whatever that is’, in just one of them.

The Australian government offers some great information about general health & well-being, which is something we should all focus upon, especially during these troubling times.

Meditation is a popular way to reduce stress and there is a lot of information on the Internet that can help you get into this eastern practice.