The Best Non-Pharmaceutical Chronic Pain Relief Solutions


A fifth of all American adults deal with chronic pain. This pain can be debilitating, limiting what work or life activities that can take part in, and can destroy a person’s quality of life if it gets bad enough. It’s important to take the time to heal in a way that works for you.

These are the best non-pharmaceutical ways to relieve chronic pain, and why they work for nearly everyone.

Cold and Heat

Heat and cold have been recognized for their healing qualities for so long that it predates written history. Heat is known to loosen and relax muscles, great for when you have a tight knot or stiff leg. Inversely, cold can reduce inflammation and allow limbs to move painlessly when stretched or bent.

These both have fantastic things they can do for chronic pain, and they can do even more when they’re paired together. If you apply heat for five to ten minutes and then an ice pack for five to ten minutes, you can get the benefits of both!


When you’re in pain, often the last thing many people want to do is exercise. Exercise helps peoples’ bodies produce endorphins, which allows people to feel like they’re in a better mood and help them fight off the feeling of pain as long as their exercises don’t strain that portion of their body.

Physical Therapy

Working with a professional is the best way to help fight against pain without medication. Physical therapy is an awesome tool anyone with chronic pain should consider since it allows you to stretch and relax your body and set yourself up for success.

This can be pricey without insurance, but getting to live pain-free and learning the tools that can help you have that make it worth it.

Dietary Changes

Dietary changes aren’t always a fix-it, but increasing the number of certain foods that you consume can help

This means foods like ginger, or garlic, which can help fight against inflammation, or foods that help you take in more water, like juicy fruits and leafy greens. If your pain is weight-related, these can help you get rid of some of that weight, but that’s not necessarily the cure for everyone.

Lifestyle Changes

Some lifestyle changes will surprise you with how much they help. Simple things like avoiding sitting in specific ways, holding yourself more upright, and paying attention to the signals your body is sending you will allow you to live more pain-free.

Although any major change that affects your lifestyle can be overwhelming and take time to get used to, it’s worth it if the behavioral and physical changes can lower your pain levels and allow you to live a  more normal life.  

Pain Relief Shouldn’t Depend on Medication Alone.

Medication has its place and can be extraordinarily useful for anyone who has chronic pain. Unfortunately, a lot of it is addictive when it comes to pain medication or can cause issues when used long-term. Trying one of these methods can save you that hassle and reduce your pain faster than you’d believe!