The hormones in our body are essential for our well-being. Each plays a crucial role. Testosterone is a hormone which plays a crucial role in a man’s well-being. With age, the production of the hormone decreases which causes drastic changes in physical and emotional well-being of a person. Often the decrease is so gradual, that the changes aren’t evident for the longest time. As the decreases can impact one drastically, the best way to deal with it is by undergoing Testosterone replacement therapy or TRT Toronto. This medical treatment has brought about a revolution in men’s well-being. Here is all that you need to know about it.

What are the signs of low testosterone levels?

To consider TRT one needs to first understand what low levels of testosterone look like. Fatigue not alleviated by sleep, anaemia, generalized weakness, reduction in muscle mass and strength, depression, reduced sex drive, hot flashes and sleep disorders are just some signs of it. Apart from that, one should look out for brain fog, increased body fat, infertility, erectile dysfunction and loss of body or pubic hair. If experience some of these symptoms, you should consider getting yourself tested for Low T.

Who is a good candidate for the treatment?

Undergoing a consultation is the best way to understand whether you are a good candidate for the treatment. The doctor will carry out an analysis to check your testosterone levels. Your concerns will be discussed. Once the doctor has a better understanding, they will discuss the potential treatment option. TRT is customized as per the requirement of the patient. Those who choose to undergo TRT begin to see drastic changes in their physical and emotional health.

How does Testosterone Replacement Therapy work?

TRT is a customized treatment. Though it takes months to get the testosterone levels back up, the patients can see a signification change within the first month. During the treatment, the body’s responses are closely monitored to ensure there is positive restoration, and that the patient is comfortable. The treatment plan is designed based on the needs and lifestyle. Four options are available, that include.

Oral Medication: These are oral medications prescribed for increasing testosterone levels. You will be explained how they are to be consumed.

Transdermal Patches: In this method, testosterone patches are used. These patches can be put on the arm, back and thigh. Testosterone is absorbed by the skin through these patches.

Injection: Testosterone injections are given into the muscles of the buttocks.

Topical CreamsThe cream is applied to the body. It is absorbed by the body which increases the testosterone level.

What causes low testosterone?

Apart from age, multiple other factors contribute to low testosterone levels. Sleep, healthy body mass index, exercise, sexual frequency and autoimmune conditions are some factors. Alcohol intake, chronic stress, specific medication, diabetes and fat content in diet also impact testosterone levels.