Software Testing Courses: 10 Things I Wish I’d Known Earlier


Software testing analyses and verifies that a software product or application performs as expected. Preventing bugs, reducing development costs, and boosting performance are all advantages of testing.

Software testing can be defined as verifying and validating that a software program or application meets the specified requirements and performs as expected. It is an integral part of the software development life cycle and is often carried out by a software quality assurance (SQA) team.

Testing is a focused discipline career that must be taken with sincere dedication and all the passion one person deserves. The testing industry discipline has evolved over the years and provides immense opportunities to experience and excel in one’s career. There were days when testing was looked at as a necessary evil by organizations and development teams, rushed through at the end of the life cycle, and looked at as a stop-gap career arrangement by testers. 

The growth prospect in any discipline will depend on the growth of the business and the specialization required. And as the demand for software testing courses is on the rise, there will be continued growth in demand for test professionals.

Ten things that you should know before embarking on the software testing industry: 

  1. Proper training imparts fruitful skills to participants.

Software testing professionals must have an excellent aptitude and knowledge of testing and tools. As you are a fresher, there could be several restrictions and ignorance you may find during job interviews. 

However, the participants certified in the software testing course from Simplilearn are equipped with first-hand experience, tools, and techniques and loaded with expertise in handling live projects. Such candidates have a plethora of opportunities in the software testing field.

  1. Select your niche

Candidates need to focus on skilled areas to be recognized as a hot property in the job market. Simplilearn, a recognized online learning platform, provides candidates with the best in-depth software testing training. The software training classes include manual testing, security testing, automation testing, performance testing, mobile app testing, etc.

  1. Requires in-depth and authentic conceptions

Software testing job requires a combination of skills, aptitude, and training. This is not a 9-6 job that anyone can handle, and it requires proper training and certification to find a stable and prolonged career in software testing.

The job vacancy of software testing professionals is filling the job website portal; nowadays. The software testing field is growing in billions. Therefore, skilled and certified candidates get the full benefits, remunerations, and quick job availability in software testing.

  1. Effective presentation skills 

Software testing needs a professional presentation holder that provides excellent communication and impresses the clients, so before entering, you should note what you are willing to do? If the answer is yes, you should join Simplilearn online learning, which provides a certification course as an automation test engineer. 

Simplilearn, the automation institute, provides sessions on personality development, resume writing, and email writing and organizes mock interviews for boosting the confidence level of the students.

  1. Jack of all trades, Master of at least one.

“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort”. Software Testing isn’t just one single technology, and it’s much more than what you have thought. Building a career in Software Testing involves many various things such as stringent processes, expert communications, a knack for details, business understanding, scripting knowledge, and different testing types like security, mobile apps, performance, cloud, etc.

  1. But it’s not all about Automation.

Testing is a skill. While this may come as a surprise to some people, it is a simple fact. Automation scripting knowledge is vital to distinguish your candidature, but it is not everything. The ability to analyze, communicate & reason is equally important. 

An excellent Software tester has to have many competencies – critical thinking, business & architecture understanding, domain knowledge, tools know-how (which can be acquired through relevant training & practice), test & people management, tests to improve attitude, etc., to build a successful career in software testing.

  1. By the way, ‘Software Testing’ is not boring!

People say it’s boring, i.e., uninteresting, tedious, or unexciting. We say anything done repeatedly will eventually be boring, and it applies to any technology. You need to explore & learn new things as you progress your career in software testing. Try asking a three-year-old software developer; he will tell you how exciting his job has become lately. 

  1. Execution is as important as testing.

Needless to say, after testing, it is imperative to execute as well. There will be several times when testing might fail, but in the end, it should run and come out more robust than in the worst times. To cover these fail times, you need to analyze the risks maintained and responses overhead. 

There will be several situations where the testing will not go according to the plan, but it is important to analyze where the problem was wrong and loopholes while creating the program. 

  1. You need to work on a test strategy.

Once you have got a detailed understanding of how the business clients and audiences work, this is a sign that you might start your work on a test strategy. A test strategy defines your idea and approach toward a particular product. The test strategy is different from the plan as it does not include the details and timeline. 

A test strategy is crucial in the testing field because it is necessary to show your plan and how it will work. 

  1. Choosing the right platform for the software testing course. 

Automation test engineering is designed to top skills demanded in the industry. Once you have decided to enter the testing industry, you must attain a certificate with a placement offer. Here, Simplilearn is the world’s number one online Bootcamp securing placements for every aspirant. 

Final thoughts 

This article discussed ten crucial things one should know before entering the software testing world. This will help you identify the tasks and manage the clients while working on testing.