Sleep Hygiene Tips


Have you ever thought about how you fuel your mind with refreshments every day? If your answer leans towards coffee or diet, you might be half right, but is it everything? No, a good diet, exercising, and other activities in your life will go on only when you get a good night’s sleep. Sleepless nights for the long term are dangerous. Your business or college work can be important for one day but if it runs longer, you are exposing yourself to diseases. Yes, sleep deprivation can cause different diseases. It can make you less productive, less focused, and lazy for the upcoming days. Proper maintenance of sleep hygiene is crucial to keeping your brain healthy.

What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene means practising good sleep habits by setting up an environment that leads to uninterrupted sleep. Maintaining a proper sleep schedule every day is crucial for your sleep pattern. Sleep hygiene is important from both physical and mental aspects of health. A disrupted sleep pattern makes your brain confused and less productive for the next day. It is mentioned on that it can cause weak focus, pay less attention during the daytime, and decrease short-term memory retention. Everyone has their own comfortable sleep pattern, so it can be tailored according to the sleeper itself.

Some Of The Tips To Improve Sleep Hygiene Tips

Maintaining sleep hygiene is equally important, just like any other hygiene. Here are some of the tips to improve sleep hygiene:

Make A Schedule

Help your body set up the body clock by maintaining a proper sleep schedule. Sleep at a fixed time and wake up at the same time every day. Get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep while 8 hours of sleep is the best. When you successfully maintain a schedule, your body clock sets the time and helps you fall asleep and wake up on your scheduled time. Try to hold this habit even on off-days. Your busy life and work should never disturb your sleep; it should always be on your priority list. If you want to get a new sleep schedule, start by making small adjustments and then shift to that time. Naps during the day can push your sleep to late-night hours; you can try keeping your naps short and take them before the early afternoon.

Develop A Good Habit

How you spend your day is also related to sleep. If you are not very active and have habits that damage your health, you can have sleep problems. Develop habits that shower a good impact on your health and sleep.

  • Be active.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking.
  • Avoid caffeine.
  • Avoid mobile phones.
  • Dine-in early.

Create A Comfort Environment

If you have a comfortable environment, you can fall asleep faster. A good sleeping environment can be prepared by:

  • Blocking out the lights.
  • Cut out all the noise.
  • Have a good mattress and bamboo sheets.
  • Set up a comfortable sleep temperature.
  • Use sweet fragrances in bedrooms.

Create A Routine

Creating a sleep routine can help. Listen to soft music or have a light conversation with a bit of exercise. Turn off the night bulbs to help your body produce melatonin. Try to stay calm and don’t toss around every few minutes because this will hinder your sleep. In case you have been doing this for more than 15 minutes, get up and start doing some light activities like stretching or reading. Journal down your thoughts if you can’t stop thinking about them. You can try meditation to help relieve your constant thoughts and make yourself calm before you go to bed.

The Bottom Line

Sleep deprivation can affect the immune system, respiratory system, digestion, and hormone levels. Having sleep hygiene can prevent the risk of such problems. Set up a schedule, develop good habits, get comfortable, and create a routine to help you fall asleep faster. A good night of sleep not only energizes you but also prevents the risk of some deadly health issues. Sleepless nights or problems like sleep disorders can have brain-damaging effects. The information collected on top-tier health sites says the time between the start of the sleep disorder and the symptoms of the neurologic disorders can range up to 50 years, with an average span of 25 years. It is advisable to fix your sleep problems before they damage your mental and physical health.