Rodent control tips for a homeowner who lives with these creepy pests


No homeowner will ever wish to see rats and mice in their home. These dirty pests constantly leave droppings and urine all over the place they travel. You can’t even imagine the types of diseases they might carry. Besides taking daily steps to keep your house clutter-free, there are a few scents that repel rats and can eliminate them from your personal property.

You will know that rodents have arrived whenever you see droppings near food items, shredded paper, and fabric. This is the time when you should get help from pest control Madison.  Here are a few rodent control tricks for disturbed homeowners. 

  • Utilize trapping and baiting

Trapping and baiting are two of the most effective methods of eliminating mice and rats from your home. If you wish to trap them, make sure you bring snap-style traps that can kill the rodents instantly.  And in the case of baiting, use bait stations that are temper resistant and that hold the baits in place. Don’t forget to keep the bait away from pets and children.  Place the traps in the places where you find droppings, like the entries of doors, foundations, and fence rails. 

  • Keep away all outdoor food items

Fruit trees and gardens can attract rodents inside your house. If you have well maintained fruit trees in your garden, make sure you pick up the dropped fruits immediately from the ground lest they attract pests like mice and rats. The garden should be kept free from rotten food lying around in hidden places. You can also spray fox urine around the area of the garden to keep rats away.

  • Keep your house clean

When the rodents don’t get food,  they have no other reason to invade your house.  Hence,  if you don’t want rodents to enter your house, you should never leave food lying around your home.  Put everything inside the garbage cans and empty them on a regular basis. Cover the garbage cans with a lid so that they don’t attract rats. 

  • Plant mint trees in the garden

Did you know that mice and rats hate the smell of mint? You can capitalize on this and plant it outside your garden and drop the peppermint oil in places that are often invaded by rodents. You can even leave some dried mint leaves to discourage rodents. 

So, now that you are aware of the ways in which you can prevent rat and mouse infestation, follow the steps mentioned here to live a rodent-free life.