Reasons to join a trade union today


If you are in the workforce and have not joined a trade union, you may want to reconsider this. Trade unions are able to help you get the benefits that you deserve and which some employers may not want to provide their employees. The following gives you some reasons why you should join trade unions:

Gives one equal opportunities

Unions are involved in fighting for equal opportunities within the workplace. They have actually fought for laws which provide rights to workers. This includes stuff like the minimum wage, paid holidays, right maximum working time, equal pay for work that is of equal value, and even anti-discrimination laws. It does not matter what type of worker you are, you should get your rights. If you are a casual worker you may not know that you are also entitled to annual leave for casual workers.

There are many examples where workers have joined trade unions and have been able to get the rights that they so deserve.

Ensure your health and safety

Your health and safety is very important at a workplace. There are some incidents that can be fatal which will have an effect on you and your family for a long time. Unionizedworkplaces are said to be safer workplaces.

It is possible that there may be fewer accidents within unionized workplaces as they know that they will have to face consequences for this. They will probably have safety procedures in place to limit these.

Local safety representatives that are appointed by trade unions, handle issues that include stress, mental health, problems with hazardous substances, etc. They are involved in representing colleagues’ health along with safety interests to the management.

Provide legal support

When you have some issue at work, it is unions who are able to provide legal services along with advice. If one is faced with a disciplinary along with grievance hearing for instance, the union representative that you have is able to provide you with expert advice, support along with representation.

They can do this from the beginning till the end of the whole procedure. It is indeed helpful for workers when they have professional help like this from people who know what they are doing.

Better terms and conditions at work

Those workers who have joined a trade union will be more likely to get better terms plus conditions than those people who do not. The reason for this is that trade unions will negotiate for the members. This can be done with the help of collective bargaining. It is possible to protect them from harmful management practices.

A trade union must handle all areas of working life of women, men, casual workers, permanent workers, etc.

There are many trade unions that claim to help people out. You can have a look at these online to see what they offer. You can join the one that will be able to help you in exactly what you need. Your lifestyle can improve like this.