React JS or Angular JS: Which is a Better Choice for Your Business


The choice between Angular JS vs. React JS for your web development project is a serious topic of debate. No matter what framework you choose, each one has its own set of advantages and limitations. You will have to consider the features, performance, platform compatibility, and several other parameters to make a valuable decision. 

Today, we have made it easy for our readers to make a definite choice for web development. We have a complete comparison of the two top frameworks, Angular JS and React JS. Keep reading to know more! 

Why Choose Javascript Frameworks? 

Nowadays, the performance of your web app is no longer a significant issue. The users are required to develop mobile apps for better results. It is all because of Javascript Frameworks that have helped improve the performance of web apps. Furthermore, the demand for web apps has also increased in the market. 

Javascript is the most lightweight and commonly used scripting language and is still used mainly as a framework to create dynamic web content. Since Javascript frameworks are written using Javascript, programmers can manipulate the functions and use them as per their convenience. 

History and Introduction of React JS and Angular JS

Angular was introduced in 2009 and has been in the industry for more than a decade now. The framework was introduced by Google and is an open-source, client-side framework that helps developers in several ways. It makes the development process easy for developers by reporting problems related to single-page applications. 

As far as React JS is considered, the framework was developed by Facebook in the year 2013. It is a library of open-source dynamic Javascript that enables the creation of extraordinary interfaces. It helps build mobile apps and single-page applications. 

React JS was originally introduced to provide speed to the development process to reduce turnaround time to the market. Read on to have insights on Angular vs. React. 

Angular JS or React JS – Know What’s Better For Your Project

Web developers from around the world usually choose Angular JS vs. React JS for their projects. However, before making a choice, they face a lot of dilemmas regarding which one to choose—no denying the fact that the needs of every business are different, and so there is no one-size-fits-all. Based on the specific needs of your project, you will have to choose a framework. Let us dig deep into which one will be suitable for your project! 

Key Characteristics of AngularJS vs. ReactJS

  • Popularity

When we compare Angular vs React popularity, React has more searches, as per the reports published by Google. Also, Stack Overflow concluded in its Developer survey 2021 that React JS is the most wanted and loved framework. Though, developers prefer using Angular more since the framework has several solutions ready. That said, both technologies are tough contenders and are growing. As a result, both are equally popular.

  • Learning Curve

The angular IO framework of Google offers several solutions to fix a particular issue. Angular has an immersed learning curve as compared to React. It has a complicated handling system and requires familiarity with various concepts, such as templates, pipes, TypeScript, dependency injection, etc. Whereas the same thing doesn’t apply to the ReactJS framework. If you are familiar with Javascript, you can easily learn React and develop an app using it. 

Also, React offers numerous resources for beginners to learn its usage and plan for the development, even after frequent updates. 

  • Community Support

As far as support from the community of developers is concerned, React doesn’t have a large community, so it cannot offer much support as and when required. On the contrary, Angular has a dependable and viable support system. It is backed by a large community of expert developers and professionals. 

  • Testing

When an app is developed using React, testers need to have tools to test the app. Different tools are required to perform different kinds of tests. Whereas, when you use Angular, debugging and testing for your entire project is carried out using a single tool. 

  • Use Case

React is an ideal choice for the development of modern web apps and the native rendered web apps used for iOS and Android devices. Angular is an ideal choice for the development of large-scale applications and the ones that have rich features. 

  • Migration

Angular has an enhanced feature-rich command-line interface and also has several built-in commands that make upgrading easy. It means that when using Angular, the task of upgrading an application according to the latest version of the application becomes easy. This makes the process of app development less tedious and time-consuming. 

React also facilitates seamless transitions and relies on external libraries for the update and migration of third-party components. That said, the developers will have to check third-party libraries to make sure that their app is up to date with the latest version. 

  • Scalability

Since AngularJS has a powerful command-line interface, scaling an app developed using the framework is easy since it has a robust design. On the other hand, React JS has virtual DOM and library, and therefore, it can accommodate the scalability of an application with greater ease. It also enables the development of scalable apps and the use of components again and again. 

  • Development Lifecycle

AngularJS offers seamless development, and developers are not required to put in much effort. It provides easy management of updates, and the elements used during the development procedure can be used again. Also, the development cycle using React is not very tough. The developers can save them and save a lot of time and effort, which further accelerates the turnaround time to the market. 

AngularJS or ReactJS: Which is a Better Choice for Front-end App Developers?

The technology ecosystem is fueled by web and mobile applications. React JS offers smooth functionality, and so its adoption and functionality have experienced a significant rise. However, Angular is still the top Javascript framework, whereas React is not competent enough to handle medium and high complexities. When it comes to choosing the right front-end technology, the choice depends on the requirements of end-users. 

Here are a few points that will help a developer make an informed choice between React JS vs Angular. 

React Vs Angular: Technical Overview

  • Implementation

AngularJS offers several native features and options. It offers several benefits and therefore when a startup has to make a decision, it doesn’t have to think much. On the contrary, React JS is an open-source framework; hence, you need to have the components from external libraries to add certain features.

  • Data Binding

Angular employs a two-way data binding approach, which means that the new value provided to an application results from the model and the view. The two-way data binding may hurt its performance. On the contrary, React JS supports one-way data binding. One-way data-binding helps control complexities. That said, degging React apps is easier than Angular apps. 

  • Architecture

Angular comes with a long list of tools as well as features to make the development process easy. Whereas developers will have to use ReactJS with other libraries like Flux and Redux as a React-Router for navigation or controller. 

  • Performance

Angular reduces the load speed of an application. However, with complex features, it offers low performance. Whereas Virtual DOM enables React JS apps to perform faster than Angular apps, considering the app size the same.

  • Dependency Injection

When using the Angular framework, Inject and Provide are the two frameworks that make dependency injection possible. As far as the React framework is considered, the built-in container for dependency injection doesn’t exist. 

  • Directives and Templates

Directives of both types, specific to bind DOM elements and standards, can be used when using the Angular framework. However, React doesn’t offer any template division or the logic of directives. 

AngularJs. Vs. React Js: Who is the Winner?

Community support from React is greater than that of Angular, and both frameworks offer strong documentation. However, the philosophies of how the application is addressed depend. In the fight of difference between Angular and React, React wins over Angular since it executes virtual DOM and renders optimization. Also, migrating between React versions is easy. 

When using Angular, you will have to install updates for seamless performance. Based on the usability and need of an application, the choice varies. 

When to Choose Angular?

Angular is the best choice: 

  • When you are at the inception phase of app development, you are also planning to get started with the development phase and require a holistic framework. 
  • When you are seeking a well-maintained and robust framework for any project size. 

When to Choose React?

Choose React JS development services, when: 

  • You wish to expand the functionality of the application developed. 
  • You are okay with a slower development phase in the beginning. 
  • You want to have dynamic content that changes the needs and the views of an app. It will also help update the look constantly and simultaneously. 

Angular vs React: Summing Up 

The app development industry doesn’t have a full-proof development framework regarding which one will be the best. However, you can hire an AngularJS development company if your project will need an Angular framework and vice versa. The choice of the framework should be based on your unique needs. Consulting a reputed and reliable development company is the best approach to making an informed choice and understanding React and Angular’s differences. 

FAQs About Angular vs. React

  • Which is better: Angular or React?

Both Angular and React are Powerful and Flexible. React requires less coding, and when compared with Angular, React is a better choice. 

  • Which is faster: React or Angular?

No doubt, React is faster than Angular. The primary aim of introducing React is to provide quick and better speed. 

  • When to use Angular or React?

Both React and Angular have their pros and cons. React is the best choice when you need a single-page application with multiple components. Additionally, Angular is ideal for applications of a single component. 

  • Why do developers prefer using React over Angular?

Developers prefer React more because it offers several benefits like efficiency and speed. It offers additional benefits of JSX, flexibility in building blocks, support of a large community, and several more. 

  • Can we use ReactJS with AngularJS?

Angular is used to develop one product, whereas React is used to develop another. Though different teams develop the products with the help of different stacks, they often share utilities and components. 

Author Bio:

Arjun Solanki is a Business Growth Strategist at a Leading Software Development Company. He has experience in developing and executing digital strategies for large global brands in a variety of business verticals. Apart from working on a long-lasting relationship with customers and boost business revenue, he is also interested in sharing my knowledge on various technologies and its influence on businesses through effective blog posts and article writing.