Mix it up: 5 outstanding benefits of using bathroom mixers


Bathroom mixers, put simply, are a far superior option to their dual tap grandparent. Drawing from both hot and cold water supplies, they provide a mixed flow that pours out of the one spout, something which provides ample benefits for the home’s form, function and water bill.

Let’s take a closer look at why bathroom mixers are the ultimate tap for modern homes:

  1. They are the stylish option

Sleek, shining and streamlined, this option is an absolute class above the dual taps you’d find in your nan’s cottage. There are many options available, with the general design module incorporating sharp, contemporary lines or a more classic arch shape.

The handles can also vary, from levers that are lifted up and down to control flow as well as traditional rotating handles. You can also find amazing wall mounted options that look incredible in any contemporary space.

  1. They are far more versatile

These taps can work as well on a basin or sink as they can on a bath. You can even mix them up, with separate hold and cold taps on the basin and a mixer on the bathtub.

The contemporary style can be even more versatile with an additional shower mixer, allowing you to switch between flow from the shower attachment and the taps. This can be hand-held or mounted to produce a stunning shower bath, and is a great option for when there isn’t room for a separate shower and bath enclosure.

  1. It allows for greater control

With the old, outdated two-tap system, you are always limited to separate flows of hot and cold water. Your temperature control will be limited to the heating settings although you can mix the hot and cold water in the basin or bathtub (but who wants to do that these days, seriously?).

But, with the stunning new option, you can set the temperature how you want as it flows from the taps. This makes it much easier to get the exact temperature you want from the system, regardless of whether you’re shaving, having a bath or a shower.

  1. It’s far more convenient

The increased temperature control is incredibly convenient, especially for running a bath. No longer will you have to run hot and then cold water into the bath, dipping and ducking between the perfect temperature until the water’s just about overflowing.

Running these kinds of baths can be dangerous if you have kids, as it is hard to get the temperature right and they can often end up super hot, so finding the ideal temperature with bathroom mixers is a far more convenient and safer option.

  1. They are a more economic option

This type of mixers are typically fitted with a flow limiter that reduces the amount of water being taken from both water sources at the same time. For practicality, it is far more economical to mix the water into a single flow, which is a winner for your energy bills as well as the environment.

As you can see, bathroom mixers are a wonderful option for homeowners looking to create an elegant style with the added benefits of convenience, cost-efficiency and environmental factors.

They are a stunning design that will give your basin, bath or shower a luxuriously elegant finish whilst improving your home’s water efficiency and making it much easier to get that perfect temperature with every run of water – what’s not love about all that, really?!