Growing up as a young child might seem like a child’s play. Parents take care of their children when they’re going through their tender ages. In the past it was quite easy to raise up kids with healthy sound bodies, but it’s not the case today. Nowadays, life has changed dramatically. It has become more challenging, especially with the latest technologies, and increased competition among people.

Though, technologies might seem helping individuals and societies grow at fast speeds. But then again, everything has their consequences. A physical sport such as football and hockey can give us minor body bruises. Sometimes, we can also sustain serious injuries when we try too hard to achieve our goals. Likewise, when kids suffer psychological issues when their parents ignore them or scold them on trivial matters. This leads to mental health issues, and it is a serious problem if not inspected on the right time.

Mental health issues are most common among little children, adolescents, and teenagers. These mental illnesses include depression, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Conduct Behavior Disorder (CBD), Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and Tourette Syndrome.

With growing concerns of mental health problems among young ones, many writers have come to the rescue. They have compiled middle-grade books for children to overcome their distressful psychological conditions. Besides, the book cover design services Californian publishers offer huge discounts for authors who write children’s book. Book your orders today!

Some of the popular children’s books you should read are as follows:

Some Kind of Happiness by Claire Legrand

This book is a great read and inspires children to imagine things that don’t exist in real life. The story Some Kind of Happiness revolves around a little girl named Finley Hart. She is sent to her grandparent’s house during the summer vacations, as her parents try to resolve their marital differences. Finley is greatly disturbed by her parent’s behavior and now faces depression. She thinks her happiness lies in Everwood – an imaginary place that exists only in her thoughts and notebook. She enjoys talking about Everwood with her cousins. One day, the fictional place became real into existence. Finley uncovered the dark secrets of Everwood and fought with the enemies trying to take over it. This Children’s book by Claire Legrand motivates kids to think big, and use the power of imagination to escape their life problems.

Nest by Esther Ehrlich

This classic children’s book is about an 11-year-old girl named Naomi nicknamed ‘Chirp.’ She is a bird expert and loves nature. She lives happily with her parents and younger sister in Cape Cod. One day, her mother had a terrible accident. She is an expert dancer, and now cannot continue with dancing due to her lasting leg injuries. The story shows how Naomi motivates her mother overcome her depression. She also takes good care of her younger sister, and tries to become the best big sister ever. It’s a good read where elder children are motivated to keep up with good family relations with love and strong bond of friendship.

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

One of the best reads for kids to learn how to make their decisions in life, and show empathy to others. This story revolves around a young boy named Joey who has ADHD. He struggles to keep up with life due to his bad choices, and abrupt decisions he make every so often. He has a jolly personality, and bounces a lot here and there. The audience are made comfortable by Joey’s innocent behaviors, who start to show empathy towards the young boy as they read further. The book ‘Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key’ by Jack Gantos is an emotional fun-filled roller coaster ride.

Finding Perfect by Elly Swartz

This children’s book by Elly Swartz revolves around a young girl named Molly aged 12. She is obsessed with perfection, which is also seen in her spotless personality. Her color pencils have the same sized nips, and she also loves to count her well-dressed dolls with counting fours on her fingers. One day, her mother temporarily moves out to pursue her dream job. During her mom’s transitory leave for the sake of a good income, Molly’s OCD habits worsen. She feels as if her life is crumbling down in pieces. Molly feels frightened of everybody because of their imperfect personalities. She even denies taking assistance from her family members and best friends. This book is ideal for children who believe ‘perfectionism” traits exist in them. It teaches little kids how to live a modest life with humility and thankfulness towards God.

Umbrella Summer by Lisa Graff

This is a great book that deals with children who have suffered from past traumatic experiences. Lisa Graff’s Umbrella Summer revolves around a young girl named Annie. She is upset over the loss of her brother’s life who got hit brutally by a hockey buck. Her emotionally disturbed condition has made her overly obsessive, nervous, and careful about her slightest of actions. Annie was afraid of wearing the helmet, bike riding, and even cautious of unseen germs. It was until a new same-aged neighbor moved across the street. Finally, Annie was able to put down her umbrella of sadness. The book ‘Umbrella Summer’ teaches us life lessons of ups and downs. It shows us how to conquer over them with unconditional love and happiness.