Is There a Difference Litigating UPS Truck Accidents Over Other Types of Truck Accidents?


Litigation is a legal action brought in court by one party against another party or parties. The term can also refer to the whole process of the lawsuit. Lawyers are professionals who work for their clients to resolve legal issues. They specialize in different areas of law and can be either private practitioners or public officials, as well as working for non-profit organizations. Click here to learn more about various litigations and legal processes involving truck accidents. Lawyers represent their clients and work tirelessly to recover the losses they incurred. 

Litigation in UPS Truck Accidents 

UPS truck accidents are a major issue in the United States. In 2016, there were over 1,000 reported accidents involving UPS trucks. In these accidents, there were 9 deaths and 8 people injured. In addition to death and injury, UPS truck accidents can also cause property damage. A single accident can cost over $10,000 in damages to the vehicle involved in the accident as well as to any other vehicles that may be nearby.

A UPS truck accident attorney is needed for those injured by a UPS truck driver or for those involved in an incident with a UPS truck driver. There are a variety of different types of litigation in UPS Truck accidents. First is the negligence type of litigation, which would focus on the company’s responsibility for the accident and how they were negligent in their duties. There is also the strict liability type of litigation, which would focus on whether or not the driver was at fault for the accident.

The company the truck belongs to in UPS truck accidents is also investigated. This is because there is a high chance that the company is liable for the actions of the driver. Their vehicles can be inspected along with their training and maintenance. This kind of litigation can significantly affect the damages paid to the affected person. This is a company-level legal battle and not just with the driver. 

Litigation in Other Types of Truck Accidents 

No companies are involved in the litigation process in other types of truck accidents. It is because there is no company behind the truck driver, and they are operating on their own. Therefore, the case is directed against the driver, and the damages are also recovered from them. In such cases, the victims normally file personal injury cases against the driver. 

In personal injury litigation, the accident victim is suing the truck driver for damages and pain and suffering. This type of lawsuit is more common in cases where there is a serious injury or death because it allows for compensation to be paid to victims and their families. The intent and fault of the driver are investigated in these cases. 


The argument stated above shows a clear difference between the litigation process of UPS truck accidents and other types of accidents. In UPS truck accidents, companies are involved because delivery companies operate these trucks, and their training and maintenance are considered. On the other hand, other types of truck accidents don’t involve companies because they are completely operated and managed by individuals. Therefore, the attorneys someone chooses for these cases are completely separate too.