How To Start a Carpet Installation Business 


The carpet installation business has been around for more than five decades. The home floor is an essential part of every home, and residents usually opt for professional carpet installation for their home floors, considering how difficult and time-consuming it can be. Also, professional installment looks better and is more durable.

Individuals with factory knowledge have utilized the carpet industry by starting a carpet installation business. Carpet is the most significant flooring segment, accounting for 48.4% of the 18.969 billion square-foot flooring market in 2020.

You can choose to open a carpet installation business and become an entrepreneur if you have all it takes. 

In this post, we explain how you can start a carpet installation business, what it involves, and the several benefits of carpet installation.

How to start a carpet installation business

You can start a carpet installation business by following these steps:

  1. Plan your Carpet Installation Business

Planning is an essential step in every business. To ensure the success of your business, you need a business plan.

There is no limit to the details you can add to your business plan. You can add all the details you want to your project. 

A great business plan can help you access finances in the future and provide clear directions as you kick off your company.

Depending on your location, your beginning expenses may range from $2000 to $10000; however, expect to pay more for quality insurance. 

  1. Get a business credit card for your carpet installation business


As you begin your carpet business, you should own a business credit card for startups. A business credit card helps you distinguish your individual and business expenses by keeping your company’s expenses in one place. 

It also allows you to build your business’ credit history for future financial purposes. 

  1. Open a bank account for the carpet installation business

Personal asset security mandates the use of a different business bank account. 

Using the same account for personal and business transactions risks your private properties if your company gets sued. It also simplifies your company’s bookkeeping and tax reporting processes. 

  1. Select a commercial truck insurance 


As a carpet installer, you have two options for your business space as you start your company. You can choose a mobile truck space or a showroom. 

A showroom lets you show off your carpeting in a practical setting. While a mobile truck cuts your overhead and operational costs.

If you decide to use a truck for your carpet business, you must choose commercial truck insurance to protect your brand in case of accidents or other related issues. 

  1. Structure your carpet installation company into a legal entity

Operating as a sole proprietor can put you at risk. To protect yourself from such threats, you must register your business as a limited liability company or corporation.

Registering a business as a legal entity protects you as an individual from being held responsible in case of crisis.

  1. Register your Carpet Installation Business for Taxes

As you begin your business, it’s crucial to register for both state and federal taxes. 

The company form you choose can affect how your business is taxed. You may have many options on how your business is taxed.

You will need an EIN to register for taxes—it’s a simple and easy procedure. 

  1. Get the required permits and licenses for your carpet Installation business

Owning a carpet business requires specific state permissions and licenses, and neglecting them may result in severe penalties or the closure of your firm. 

You can research and learn more about your state’s licensing and requirements. 

  1. Get Carpet Installation Business Insurance

A carpet installer’s job can be strenuous and can most times result in injuries. Also, a customer might get injured if an accident occurs during installation. 

It’s vital to consider the type of carpet insurance policy your business might need to protect your company in case of issues.

  1. Define your Carpet Installation Business Brand


Defining your carpet installation business brand includes understanding the types of carpet installation methods. It is necessary to understand the installation methods as different individuals or corporations prefer different installation types. You may decide to niche down to a specific installation type.

What are the types of carpet installation? 

Direct glue-down carpet installation

Direct glue-down carpet installation is the most prominent in commercial settings.

In this installation, the carpet is glued directly to the ground. The base must be very smooth to keep the glue in place. A rough base will result in a visible glue appearance. 

Features of glued-down carpet include
  • Minimal movement of carpet
  • A more solid base
  • More durable due to lack of flexing.
  • Suitable for large areas.
Weaknesses of glued-down carpets are
  • The lack of a pad is less comfortable.
  • Lack of a pad means less insulation.
  • Removal is more difficult when necessary. 
Double glue down carpet installation

It is also known as a double-stick installation. 

The double glue-down method is similar to direct glue-down installation. Here you first glue a pad to the base before the carpet gets glued on the pad. 

The pad used for this type of installation is a densified pad designed precisely for this type of installation. 

Features of double glue down installation over direct glue down are
  • Extra comfort.
  • More insulation.
  • More durable
Stretch In Carpet Installation

Most homes use this type of installation. In this installation, tackless strips are nailed or attached to the floor around the edges of the house. These strips have lots of nails curved towards the side walls. Padding is attached to the base in the center of the room. The carpet gets fastened to the pins around the room. The installer then spreads the carpet tight across the room. 

Features of stretch in carpet installation
  • A quick and efficient installation method.
  • Pad is extra comfortable.
  • Pad is better insulating.
  • The pad lengthens the durability of the carpet.
  • Easier to remove to glued down carpet.
Cut-to-fit carpet installation 

In this installation, the carpet gets cut to suit a particular room measurement and then spread loosely instead of attached to the floor. 

Most apartments where the landlord doesn’t permit carpet installation use this type of carpet installation. It is also used in wet areas, like bathrooms, where the carpet is often removed to clean up the floor. This type of installment will quickly shift and isn’t so durable.

Most people often opt to install carpets in the high-traffic areas of their homes and leave out other portions of their floor uncovered to display their wooden floor design. Some choose to cover the entire area of their wooden floor. 

Regardless of the option your customers select, offering excellent service and ensuring their satisfaction is essential. 

  1. Create your Carpet Installation Business Website


You need to create a professional website for your carpet installation. You must ensure your website is easy to find online. 

66% of buyers conduct online research before making a purchase. Create an accessible website to avoid missing out on your potential customers. 

Your website needs to load quickly and get optimized for mobile gadgets. More people search for businesses online using their mobile phones.

You’ll lose many potential customers when your website is not optimized for mobile gadgets. Mention all your services on your website to make people call you irrespective of their carpet difficulty.

  1. Establish and market your brand

Establish a strong brand and stand out from the crowd. Employ marketing strategies that can help you effectively market your business. You learn from other carpet installers and get ideas on how to go about getting clients. You can also ask local carpet cleaners to help promote your brand. 

Offering installation and renovation services will help you keep more clients. 

What are the benefits of starting a carpet installation business?

Little startup costs needed

The cost of starting a carpet installation business is significantly low compared to most companies.

Rewarding work    

Launching a carpet installation company can be rewarding, especially when you love your work. Plus, you are meeting the primary needs of many customers. 

A research report asserts that carpet sales grew 11% in 2020. 

High customer retention rates    

Once you establish proficiency in your business, your customers will stay loyal to your brand and refer their friends.

Choose the clients you offer service to

Carpet installers can choose the clients they offer their service. You may decide to work with only a few loyal customers or many customers.

Control of workload    

This business offers you the choice of choosing the amount of work you take on. 

You have the freedom to work so little or so much.

Gain exposure and experience    

Carpet installation allows you to gain experience working for several businesses in different locations. 

Be your boss    

You call the shots for your business. With opening a carpet installation company, you make decisions for almost all of the projects. 

Wrapping Up 

It’s important to note that the carpet industry in the US accounts for 51% of the total flooring market and you can take advantage of it and offer installation services. 

Running a carpet installation business isn’t an easy job. However, with these easy steps, you can start your carpet installation business and enjoy its benefits.

Author’s Bio 

Jennifer Nwokolo is an SEO content writer for B2B and SaaS brands. She has helped several brands tell their stories and expand their reach.

She upholds that the ideal content comprises the balance of information, entertainment, and SEO. She loves to read and create great content.