How to Sell Company Swag: A Guide


What is swag? Is it a way of being, a lifestyle, or a way to get your name out there? This lingo has caught on with not only the youth but businesses.

These days, your brand is your business. Anytime you see a logo or image, a ping goes off in your mind that registers on some level. If done right, this could bode well for your business monetarily speaking.

What about company swag? What benefits are there and how can you get started? If you’d like to learn how to create a new revenue stream, read on.

What Company Merchandise Should You Sell?

Are you unsure of what company merchandise you’d like to stock on your shelves (digital or brick-and-mortar)? Start with clothing and accessories. A simple shirt or jacket can be worn anywhere by anyone.

Employees who buy your shirts can self-promote at corporate gatherings too. It also works as a sense of company pride too which is a win-win for you and your team.

You can branch out with home and office products too. Think about items like water bottles, stress balls, notebooks, and tote bags you can stick your company logo on. Other options for company swag include technology such as mousepads, headphones, and phone cases.

Why Sell Corporate Merchandise?

Why should you sell your corporate merchandise in the first place? One reason is you get to keep all the profits. By selling your items at a higher price than manufacturing costs, you reap the rewards.

Merch stores are easy to set up and once you do there is so much you can do with them. As you go about your business, as usual, you will love receiving extra money on the side.

By selling company swag, you will be building brand awareness at the same time. Anyone with your company name and/or logo on it will be a free advertisement for you. You never know when someone might ask someone about what they’re wearing.

How to Sell Branded Merchandise

To sell your branded merchandise, you’ll need some sort of platform or store, right? We suggest heading to for an easy and elegant solution.

From there, you can list your items. This involves creating a catchy title, attractive imagery, and a short description. Adding SEO will boost your brand’s ranking as well.

You’ll need to include shipping and payment methods too.

To keep your customers and clients in the loop, you could provide a space for their e-mail. This way whenever you launch a new product or want to promote a sale, you can do so.

Your Company Swag Will Fly Off the Shelves

Are you ready to have your company swag fly off the shelves? What better way to promote your business than to have others do it for you?

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