How to secure the applications from the problem of reverse engineering?


Mobile application security has become one of the major aspects to be paid attention to in the technological landscape of the modern-day business world so that everyone will be able to focus on the efforts of the developers without any kind of problem. As a huge variety of mobile applications are easily available in the market, there are several kinds of vulnerabilities affecting them. So, depending on the tackling of Reverse engineering is considered to be a great idea in this particular case so that there is no scope for any kind of compromise on the intellectual property or the loss of revenue for the organisations.

What do you mean by Reverse engineering?

Reverse engineering is known as the unethical attempt of obtaining the source code of the applications and other kinds of resources which will be used in the formulating of the basic application from the binary systems. Through different kinds of tools available in the market, the unethical people can very easily enjoy good control over the application vulnerabilities and further will be able to witness if the competitors will be able to threaten the things or deal with the other associated aspects. Hackers can very easily use this particular technique to access the premium features of a particular application through the authentication process. So, dealing with the multiple technicalities in this particular case is a great idea so that there is no scope for any kind of compromise with the sensitive private data and other associated things.

How can any organisation handle the concept of Reverse engineering?

Since the application security will be focusing on the confidence level it is very much vital for people to be clear about the development of the best possible practices in this particular case so that everyone will be able to deal with things very well. Some of the basic practices to be taken into consideration by the concerned organisations have been explained as follows:

  1. It is very much advisable for the organisations to be clear about the storage of business logic in the encrypted format so that obfuscation can be done very intelligently and further dealing with Reverse engineering becomes easy. This is the perfect opportunity of dealing with the hacking attempt very successfully so that correcting the application logic will be done without any problem.
  2. The utilisation of the powerful hashing algorithm in this particular case is a great idea for storing sensitive information like passwords and other associated things so that there is no scope for any kind of misuse in the whole process without any kind of problem.
  3. Security of the user credentials in the encrypted format is very much important to be paid attention to so that everyone will be able to store things very efficiently. People need to note down that things are never stored in the device or the external storage or the application environment because whenever the data will be understood in this particular manner accessibility will be significantly improved.
  4. The database should be undertaken with proper strong algorithm systems so that everything will be carried out with a very high level of efficiency and overall data security will be significantly improved.
  5. Application programming interface should be secure as well as hidden so that resource folders will be understood very easily and further, there is no scope of any kind of hassle throughout the process.
  6. Choice of the programming language will be very much important in this particular case so that dealing with the coding functionality will be understood very well and further people will be able to deal with Java-related technicalities very easily. Hence, in this particular manner dealing with the concept of Reverse engineering will become somewhat easy for the companies.
  7. Undertaking the storing of the chunks on the server is considered to be a great idea so that everyone will be able to deal with the concept of Reverse engineering very easily and further will be able to handle the communication between the application and the server without any kind of problem.
  • Using the debugger detection techniques: This particular concept is also considered to be a very good idea for organisations because in this particular matter it will be easy to check out the anti-reversing method in terms of detection of the debugger without any kind of problem. This aspect will help provide people with a good hold over the technicalities of the field.
  • Implementation of the SSL: This is the best possible type of certificate which will be a digital option and further will help authenticate the identity as well as encryption of the resource. Mobile application developers in this particular case will be very much helpful in implementing the SSL certificate for better coding security very easily so that everyone will be able to understand the factory interface without any problem. This aspect will help improve the confidentiality very well and further will help improve the basic technique it is very easily and efficiently.

Apart from the above-mentioned points having a clear idea about how to protect app from Reverse engineering is very much important for organisations and further depending on the services of companies like Appsealing is the need of the hour so that everyone will be able to improve the implementation of the runtime application self-protection systems. This will be very much helpful in improving the detection of the route of devices and further will help improve the accessibility so that contemporary security issues will be understood without any kind of doubt. This aspect very well requires state-of-the-art security solutions which is the main reason that moving to the best possible implementation is considered to be a great idea so that everyone will be able to render the basic technique it is very easily and further, there is no scope of any kind of issues. Introduction of the components of a layer of security in this particular case will help improve the technicalities and will help improve the overall positioning as well as security of the application.