How to Optimize Your Travel Blog for SEO


If the favorite part of your adventures is the time you get to spend writing about what you’ve experienced, you might already have or have thought about making a travel blog for yourself. You love to write, but how do you get it in front of others? It feels like there’s a million well established travel blogs already out there. 

SEO is just what you need to grow the readership you’re looking for; maybe you’ve heard of it but aren’t sure how to harness it. If that sounds like you, you’re in the perfect place because here we have a few great tips to get you started. 

Write, Write, Write

Given you’re someone that’s already had the idea of starting a travel blog in the back of your head, this shouldn’t be too hard of a step for you. Odds are you’re already doing this. In short, the more content you have on your blog, the more Google will recognize your work which translates into a higher authority in relevant results. 

You’ll want to publish content at least once a week, but ideally 2-3 times a week might serve you better if you are trying to optimize your blog. If the thought of weekly work sounds too daunting for you, take a close look at how long the content is that you’re already publishing. 

If your current submissions are thousands of words long and only appear once a month, you might be better off, in an SEO sense, if those are broken into smaller posts which would be uploaded more often. 

Develop A Keen Eye

Outside of your travel blog, you might be a professional writer or a travel blog may be the only writing that you do, so mileage on this tip may vary. If you take an honest look at your work, you may come to the conclusion that there’s a few more errors than you realized at first glance.

That’s OK because there are plenty of options on how you can improve. There’s plenty of free classes you can find online and if you’d prefer some deeper courses those might come at a cost, but the investment might very well be worth it. 

With that keen eye of yours, look closely at the titles of posts on other blogs. Browse around a few different sites and see what makes for a title that you want to click on. Study those titles a little and see what there is to learn and what’s going to make others gravitate to your post titles. 

Optimize Your Site

SEO is more than just a high Google ranking. While the importance of that is not to be understated, having an optimized website also means it loads quickly and loads well on both mobile platforms and PCs alike. You might be writing on a traditional computer, but as you know, odds are that a larger percentage of your readers are going to be viewing your content from their phones. 

A simple start here is to run a speed test on your blog, and if the time to connect is too long, look at what the next steps may be. There could be too many pictures or plugins that you have, but you don’t want to have too little in those realms either. Do try to find that goldilocks zone when it comes load times and pictures, plugins, etc.