How to Monitor the Employee Productivity of Remote Workers


To be successful in today’s business environment, companies are now using remote employees. The best remote workers can provide the company with a wide range of benefits. They include lower employee turnover rates and increased employee productivity.

However, many businesses struggle with providing supervision for their remote workers. This could be caused by time zone differences between supervisors and employees.

This lack of direct supervision leads to lower employee productivity. And that’s because it is hard for employers to assess productivity remotely.

However, this problem can be solved by various methods of tracking employees’ productivity. In this article, we will discuss how to track the productivity of remote workers.

Make Every Task Count

The first step is to break employee tasks down into smaller and more manageable pieces. This can be done by using the method of “Action-Object.” And it means that every employee task should have a goal attached to it.

For example, every employee task should have at least one of the following goals:

  • Increase sales
  • Decrease expenses
  • Improve employee morale

Giving each part a clear action will create accountability. You’ll also give them a choice of ways to complete their assigned tasks.

Monitor Employees Computer Usage With Time Tracking Software

Employers can measure employee productivity by using software that tracks employee computer usage. This type of software allows employers to monitor employee productivity throughout the day.

Employers can determine when employees process their assignments. They’ll also know which employee tools they use the most to complete their projects.

If you want an effective solution, look here for more information.

Define KPIs for Each Role

Employees will only be productive if they know what the company expects from them. To ensure employee productivity, you need to define your employee KPIs (key performance indicators).

These are employee targets that are critical to employee and business growth. Employees will have a greater chance of achieving their goals if you clearly explain employee KPIs to them.

Create Milestones for Each Project

Employees will be more productive if they have smaller tasks to complete. As a manager, you should break employee tasks down into smaller and manageable milestones.

For example, define the employee project timeline for the next three months. Then it will be easier for the employee to list their key assignments in order of priority. As employee accomplishes each milestone, assign them to another milestone.

This practice will help your employees focus on what they need to do at every moment.

Use a Project Management Software

With employee productivity, you need to keep employee tasks on track. For that reason, use project management software to monitor employee progress.

This tracking system will help employees know what steps they need to take and when they should be done. You’ll also have a clear idea of which employee tools are vital for employee success in every stage.

For example, your employee’s failure rate could be high because they’re not using the right tools at the right time. Or it could be because you haven’t provided enough training.

With this method, there will be no doubt about whether the employee has completed their assignments successfully.

Employee Scheduling

Another way for employers to track employee productivity is through employee scheduling. Managers can boost productivity if they carefully schedule employee work time and breaks.

Employee schedules should change every once in a while. That way, employees won’t become complacent about their tasks. This can be as simple as tracking employee computer usage every half hour instead of hourly.

These changes will allow employers to have better control over employee productivity. They will also know if workers waste time on unproductive tasks. For example: checking social media pages during work hours.

Set Clear Guidelines for Workers

Employers need to set clear work guidelines Remote for employees. Employees need to know exactly what tasks to complete each week.

Employees should also be given examples of the goals that each task needs to accomplish. This method helps employees understand the priorities of their job. And it allows them a choice of which projects they want to complete first.

Create a Policy To Set a Workplace Culture

Employees should know what their results are for them to improve.

There should be a company culture policy that states how each employee’s task is measured. This ensures that employees understand the success they need to achieve. This way, employees will know how much work needs to be done before moving on to other projects.

Check Employee Productivity at the End of Each Week

You can check employee productivity by checking their results at the end of each week. At this point, you can review your employees’ tasks and see how well they accomplished their goals.

Once the review is complete, they should determine what changes need to be made. This method allows employers to make adjustments where needed.

Ask for Self Reporting From Remote Workers

Employers may have to get creative when comparing unproductive employee computer usage. By asking employees to self-report, employers can see progress in real-time.

By giving your employees freedom, they will also feel more accountable. And the result could better productivity from your remote workers.

Demand Managerial Reports

Another way to monitor productivity is by checking in with your managers regularly. Notify your managers how you want them to track their remote workers. This will help keep them accountable for assessing each employee’s performance.

Track Employee Email Activity

Employees tend to become unproductive if they spend too much time emailing. To help combat this issue, employers can create a policy limiting employee email activity. They can also place daily limits on how many emails an employee can send and receive throughout the day.

To communicate these changes, managers should review their employees’ email activity in real-time.

Productive Remote Workers Equals Productive Company

Employee productivity will determine whether a business succeeds. And it can be hard for employers to keep track of employee computer usage if they don’t make changes to how their workers complete their tasks.

By making these seven changes, you will have better control over employee productivity and help your business succeed.

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