How to Lower Your Internet Bill


The Internet has become the most essential tool of our lives, it has seamlessly integrated itself into many of our day-to-day happenings that now it seems impossible to live without an internet connection. Internet is a core part of our corporate world, business transactions, communication mediums, and entertainment avenues. Subsequently, due to all these factors becoming internet-dependent the usage has also shot up. Internet users are constantly increasing in numbers for the past few years so much so that the current count stands at 4.66 Billion worldwide users, more than half of the world’s population. On the flip side, the provider market has also grown rapidly. As the need is the mother of invention, we see that there are now over 7,000 internet service providers in the USA that offer different types of services in terms of quality of service, speed, data, and pricing.

With immense saturation in the market, the degradation in quality is expected. That’s why we recommend our readers to go for well-reputed providers like TWC internet, which has been in the game for a long time and has enjoyed a loyal fan base due to the good quality of services and value for money. Selecting a good provider is essential since most of our important work is internet-based and people can’t afford to remain disconnected from the internet for even minutes in today’s world. This trend has been extended in place and has picked up pace especially since the past year due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Due to COVID, the few avenues that were left out from the race of the internet have also joined this technology. Today practically everything is being done over the internet from education to jobs and entertainment. The Internet has taken responsibility for the whole infrastructure of the world.

Internet in a Recessive Economy  

The COVID pandemic has drastically affected the economies of the world and most of the companies are going through a recession. This is because people have lost their jobs and the purchasing power of the majority of the public has massively reduced. People are struggling to make ends meet, in times like these it has become very difficult for the general public to afford amenities like the internet. But the dilemma is that since the internet has become such an essential service people can’t just live normal lives without it today. In times like these governments have stepped up to introduce grants like Emergency Broadband Benefit program to certain qualified individuals that give users $50 to cover costs of the internet. However, these programs are not for everybody and certain conditions need to be fulfilled in order to receive it. That’s why we have formulated this article to educate our readers on how they can reduce this cost.

Techniques to Reduce Your Internet Bill

Although there have been constant efforts by governments and service providers to keep users connected with the internet through grants and discounts, it is also a matter of fact that the grants are based on certain factors on which the majority doesn’t qualify and the discounts that are offered by providers are not enough. So, here we are with a DIY list of things that you as a user can do yourself in order to remain connected to the online world.

Lower your Internet Package

The first solution that comes to mind when cost-cutting is to change your package. Most users are subscribed to high speeds and that comes for a cost obviously. Reducing your speed tier and amount of data can significantly lower your internet bill. In addition to that, if you have subscribed to services like cable and home phone, you can get rid of those as well for even more savings. Alternatively, by reducing the speed you will have to control your usage, the best way to do that is to limit the number of users that use the internet. For example in the morning when the internet is being used for important things like work from home and online classes there shouldn’t be any other user doing heavy tasks like online gaming or streaming. While at night when there is no work to be done users can carry out entertainment activities or download large files.

Limit Data Usage

This is the type of problem which is faced by users who are on limited data by their provider. Usually, in packages with limited data caps, the speed of the internet is reduced when users exceed their allocated limit while in some cases users get charged for the additional data on top of their services. The latter option is the most common among providers and users who experience expensive internet bills are often exceeding their data limit. The best thing to limit the data is to add indicators on various apps and devices like smartphones that give warning to users when a certain data limit is reached and cut the services altogether when a data limit is crossed. In this way, users can realize the amount of data they use so they can adjust their package or usage style accordingly.

Change the Provider

If nothing else works for you then the only plausible solution is to change your service provider. Many service providers offer amazing discounts for new services, by doing some research you can find out the provider that are offering new customer discounts. In this way, you might not have to downgrade your package or compromise on your usage as you might find a package from a different that may suit your pocket and internet needs. Most of these providers have a price lock for a specified amount of time, make sure that you know that and can switch to another one when the time period of the discount ends. Users need to be careful when switching providers as some companies bind users in contracts that demand heavy termination fees if switched or else you might be paying even more instead of saving which was the original objective of the switch.


The internet has become the major driving force behind many activities today, something which cannot be overlooked in order to lead a normal lifestyle. In a time like this when the internet has also become a necessity mostly in the post-pandemic era, one thing is also to be noted that it has become an amenity which is difficult to afford especially for faster speed which is also necessary since most post-pandemic activities are conducted over the internet. Because of this ongoing dilemma we have written this piece so our users can be educated about techniques that can somewhat help them in bringing down this cost.