How To Know When It Is Time To Seek Compensation For Your Auto Accident In Illinois


If you have been injured in an auto accident in Illinois, it is important to seek compensation as soon as possible. Learn what to do if you are not sure whether you should pursue a lawsuit after a car accident.

While most people try to work things out with their insurance companies after an auto accident, those negotiations often fail to produce an acceptable settlement offer. Here are four signs that it is time to consult with an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer and file a lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries.

The Insurance Company Is Not Offering Fair Compensation

Sometimes insurance companies will offer to pay out a low amount after a serious injury because they anticipate that most people will accept their offer rather than pursue a personal injury lawsuit. 

However, there are many reasons not to accept the insurance company’s offer. Your medical expenses, loss of income, and other damages will be significantly higher than the offer you received. An experienced personal injury lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company to award you fair compensation.

You Have Serious Injuries That Will Likely Be Long-Term Or Permanent

If your injuries are not minor and will require long-term treatment or permanent disability, filing a lawsuit is the best way to recover the full amount of compensation that you deserve. An attorney can negotiate a settlement on your behalf with the insurance company so that you receive the full value of your current and future medical bills, lost wages, and other damages.

You Do Not Have Health Insurance Coverage And Cannot Afford To Pay For Medical Expenses 

If the other driver caused the accident and you do not have health insurance to cover your medical expenses, hiring an attorney to help you file an injury claim may be your best option. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you get maximum compensation for your medical bills and other expenses while you focus on recovering from your injuries.

The Other Driver Denied Liability And Refused To Settle On Your Behalf

The insurance company may refuse to pay the full value of your claim if the other driver denies liability for the accident or refuses to make a reasonable settlement offer. Suppose you have done everything possible to settle your case on your own without getting any results. In that case, it’s time to consult with a personal injury attorney who can get the insurance company to make a fair settlement offer.

You Face Some Kind Of Financial Difficulty

Suppose you are facing some financial trouble due to the cost of medical treatment for your injuries or the reduced ability to work due to your injuries. In that case, you may be able to get financial help from your insurance or the court system. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you file a personal injury lawsuit to get the financial compensation you need to deal with your financial concerns.

You Have Never Filed A Lawsuit Before And Are Unsure About What To Do Next

You have never filed a personal injury lawsuit before and are unsure how to proceed. In that case, an attorney can provide you with the legal guidance and support you need throughout the litigation process. He will help you understand your rights and options for pursuing the compensation you need to cover your medical bills and other expenses.


Dealing with the legal aspects of a car accident can be complicated and time-consuming. Knowing when to hire an attorney and what to expect during the process is an important part of preparing to file a claim. Insurance companies will usually look for reasons to underpay claims, so having an experienced attorney on your side can make a big difference in your case.

If you have been involved in an accident that caused serious injuries and you need help with the legal process, contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer can help ensure that you have the best possible outcome in your case. Understanding the legal aspects of an accident can be difficult without the help of a qualified lawyer. 

An attorney can explain the law, help you understand your options, and help you pursue compensation from the responsible party. Contacting an attorney right away can increase your chances of getting the compensation you need to pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.