How To clean Your Sleeping Environment


You can spend all the money you have on fancy furniture for your bedroom but this will not guarantee you better sleep. Dirty, cluttered rooms will make it harder for you to fall asleep. With a clean room, and a clean bed you are guaranteed some comfort and overall better rest at night. it has been said that cleaning your room can help clear our thoughts and this will help you develop better sleeping patterns. And with a clean room, you get to start of your morning in a good light. 

How To clean Your Sleeping Environment

Declutter the room 

Declutter is an important aspect of cleaning the bedroom. Its not a strange thing for our bedrooms to become cluttered due to the nature of modern work.  The bedroom can become a dumping ground for your clothes, bags, shoes, books and many other things.  Because of the nature of its privacy, many people tend to ignore tidying up and decluttering the bedroom area. Besides, it’s not like visitors will go into the bedroom. 

Unfortunately, clutter has a negative effect on our sleeping patterns. It takes a toll on our mental well-being and this can affect the quality and quantity of sleep we get.  clutter is destructive and can cause you destructions, taking away from your sleep time. Remember, your clutter will remain cluttered unless you make room for it. In terms of efficiency, ask Dumpster Rental Oakton VA to assist you in disposing of things you no longer use, be it old furniture or just trash taking up your space. 

Always open your windows and doors

How Often Should You Open Your Windows for Natural Ventilation? — Air  Assurance

Opening the windows and doors in your bedroom during the day is great for ventilation. It will help reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the room and this will help you sleep better during the night. It also improves ventilation and airflow in your beddings, which keeps them fresh and prevent mold or mildew from growing into the mattress.  In a well-ventilated room, you will fall asleep faster, and sleep for longer which is proven to be great for your health. 

Clean the whole room 

When people think about cleaning, they always refer to the furniture and flooring. Many people always forget that the ceiling and walls are part of the bedroom too. A thorough cleaning once in a while will prevent dust and dirt from building up on your walls and ceiling, keeping the bedroom super clean all through. Once you are down with the ceiling and walls, work on cleaning all the furniture then finishes it up with cleaning the flooring. 

Clean your mattress

How to Clean a Mattress | Sleep Foundation

Mattresses are not cheap! They are serious investments which is why you have to take care of yours to make sure it lasts you the longest it can. A poorly kept mattress can be u worst nightmare. If you don’t keep your mattress clean, it can collect dust, dirt, debris and harbor mites, mold and mildew. 

Cleaning your mattress is not as complicated as they make it out to be. All you need is enzyme cleaner, laundry detergent or baking soda for stain removal, some cold water, baking soda and a vacuum. First, vacuum the mattress. then with a piece of cloth, spot clean the mattress with a solution meant for the specific stains on the fabric.

if you have been using the mattress for longer than the required time, there is no way a simple clean can fix it. Old and worn-out mattresses need to be replaced since they are more prone to harboring mites, mold and mildew. You can assess the mattresses Slumber search for information on all the latest mattresses that will fit into your bedframe and guarantee you healthy sleep. 

Clean your beddings – comforter and blankets

The top of your bed can accumulate dust, dirt and debris. The situation is especially worse when you keep lots of pet. In this case, you should clean your comforter or blankets on the regular to avoid accumulation of dirt. Cleaning the bedding one in a week or two will help keep your bedroom space cleaner. 

 Pillowcases and bed sheets need cleaning too. Just because they are not on the surface of the bed doesn’t mean they do not accumulate dirt. Oils and dead skin from your body fall in and seep into the sheets while you sleep.

Change your sheets regularly 

How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets During The Coronavirus Pandemic |  HuffPost Life

Most experts recommend changing your sheets once a week, but if you do not spend as much time or many nights in your bed you could probably change it to two weeks. If you keep pets and they are fond of jumping onto the bed, then the ideal would be to wash your sheets every 3 to 4 days to maintain a clean bed.