How can you protect your stored belongings from vandals?


Vandalism is the act of defacing or destroying someone else’s property without permission. Vandals might paint graffiti on walls, break windows, key the paint on a car or even destroy a website. We’ve all seen the results of vandalism all around us, and we’re left asking ourselves, ‘How do I stop that from happening to my property or stored belongings?’ Worry not. We are here to give you the best prevention tips for vandalism (and theft)!

Make sure the area is well-lit

Thieves and vandals prefer to act under cover of darkness to remain anonymous and avoid persecution. Keeping the area you want to protect well-lit will deter most, if not all, would-be criminals. Depending on the size of the area and where it is located, it could be illuminated by street lights or might require additional lighting to be installed. Constantly on lighting or motion-activated lights with enough power to fully illuminate the desired area should be placed in strategic points so as not to leave any dark spots for thieves and vandals to hide in.

Keep the premises tidy and organised

Criminals often target properties which don’t seem to be well cared for. Chaos brews more chaos, which means that a well-kempt property might dissuade potential intruders. Having rubbish lying around only invites people to throw more of it onto the pile and makes your property look unmaintained. Leaving tools or other objects lying around could also invite vandals and even help them in the acts they want to commit. Keep your premises clean and your items stored away and organised, and you’ll have much less to worry about!

Ensure the storage area is not visible from the street

Thieves and vandals usually scout out a potential target beforehand, so they know whether it will be worth their efforts. Keeping your domestic storage area from prying eyes is an easy way to make it harder for criminals. If they’re unsure whether there’s anything worth their time, they might not try to steal or vandalise it at all.

Tall, thick bushes and trellises with climbing plants are not only great to look at but also excellent for protecting your privacy from any passers-by, no matter their intentions. Tall fences work well in blocking out the view, as well. However, it is best to keep any entrance ways visible and well-lit, not to provide cover for potential criminals trying to break in from there. Don’t forget to close your blind and curtains at night, as well!

Invest in high-quality door locks

If a burglar does manage to make their way inside your property unseen, the locks on your doors or the padlocks on your storage are the last thing stopping them from getting access to your belongings. Even a few more minutes spent trying to break your locks could spell the difference between a successful heist or an arrested criminal. Invest in high-quality locks that will considerably slow down or completely stop all but the best lockpickers.

Invest in remote surveillance cameras

Surveillance cameras are one of the most popular criminal deterrents available, and for a good reason. No thief or vandal wants their illegal acts to be documented and then shared with law enforcement, so they usually avoid attacks on properties with surveillance systems.

Install surveillance cameras in strategic points around the area you want to protect so as to provide you with a full view of what is happening in and around it at all times of the day. Many systems nowadays will allow you to view what the cameras are seeing from any of your devices, which means that you can keep an eye on your property from your bed, while at work or even when you’re on holiday. Combine your surveillance with a security/alarm system which informs the authorities of potential intruders, and your property will become a nigh unassailable fortress.

Hire a protected storage unit 

Suppose you’re afraid about the safety of your belongings, no matter what security measures you install. Secure storage facilities are equipped with modern security and surveillance systems and might even have security guards patrolling the perimeter 24/7. In that case, the best option is to move all items you’re worried about into a protected storage unit. You can rent storage units of varying sizes, so you have enough room for your items but aren’t paying for space you’re not going to use. The amount you need to pay each month varies between different storage companies and also depends on the size of the unit you are renting, but ultimately will be a comparatively small price to pay for the peace of mind you are getting in return.

So why keep worrying about all your precious belongings when you can just move them into a secure and protected storage facility, where the professionals will take care of all your storage needs.

Storage unit insurance benefits

Like your house or business, storage units are also exposed to certain risks – fires, earthquakes, floods and more. As secure as these facilities might be, sometimes the universe has other plans, and chaos ensues. But as there are all kinds of different insurance policies available, there is also storage unit insurance! 

Some common problems which most storage unit insurances cover are:

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Wind
  • Smoke
  • Vandalism
  • Theft

There are, however, issues that insurance doesn’t often cover, like:

  • Neglect
  • Intentional loss
  • Insects and rodents
  • Poor maintenance and upkeep
  • Wear and tear

What your insurance will cover ultimately depends on the policy you decide to go for. The company that you’re storing your belongings with may offer their own insurance policies, but it’s always a good idea to contact different insurance companies and compare policies, so you get the best possible deal for your needs.


Vandalism and thievery have existed since time immemorial, and nobody likes the idea of being the victim of such acts. But thankfully, there are many ways to protect yourself, and after reading our article, you now know just how to do it! Whether you’ll be installing security measures, moving belongings into a protected storage facility or even both, you’ll rest easy knowing that you are safe from vandals and thieves alike.