Herpes Symptoms In Male


Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease through the HSV or herpes simplex virus. It is a simple virus but can cause severe symptoms in the carrier’s body from cold sores. However, Herpes is one of the common issues in the United States, especially in Australia, besides its bad reputation.

Before moving to the herpes symptoms in Male, you need to know about the two common types of the herpes virus that causes genital Herpes.

HSV-1 or herpes simplex virus type 1 is most common and also famous as oral Herpes. It is the less severe form of a virus as compared to the HSV-2

HSV-2 or herpes simplex type 2 is also known as genital Herpes and causes severe symptoms.

The general mode of herpes transmission from one person to another is physical contact or skin-to-skin contact. The physical contact quickly transmits oral Herpes and results in genital Herpes. The symptoms of Herpes are different in every carrier. Similarly, males have other signs and symptoms than females.

Herpes symptoms in males

According to studies, it is less common in men than women. However, the virus that causes the infection usually passes from males to females during physical contact, especially during intercourse. Many symptoms are common in males and females, but females with Herpes face severe complications during pregnancy.

Here are some common symptoms in males with Herpes. (Also Click to See >>> Best Website for Herpes Dating)

No symptoms

Usually, men with Herpes don’t show any visible symptoms. According to a survey, one in eight people in Australia carries the virus of genital Herpes but doesn’t know about it. The signs of genital Herpes are not life-threatening, so many carriers don’t know about it and spend their whole life.

However, the symptoms of genital Herpes appear within the 2 to 20 days of the virus in the body. Once herpes breakout in your body, the virus will remain in your body for the rest of your life without showing any visible sign or symptom.

Lumps or bumps

If you have the genital herpes virus, lumps or bumps appear as a visible sign. These are so mild that you may think of them as an ingrown spot on your body. However, the herpes bumps look like red bumps with white blisters and scabs. Remember that Herpes passes through skin-to-skin contact, so the men usually have lumps on the thighs, butt, around the mouth and urethra area.

Aches/body pain and fever

Many men have a fever and severe body aches with Herpes. It is a less common symptom than bumps in men with Herpes. However, men also have swollen lymph nodes with flu-like signs in the first outbreak of Herpes.


The visible sores due to Herpes also have pain, itching and tenderness until the infection is treated or reduced with medication. If you feel any tingling sensation in the sores, it is considered an early warning sign in herpes patients. The itching on sores can become worse if you starch them.

Pain during peeing

If men don’t treat the bumps, they may become ulcers and cause severe pain during urination. The sores or spots might be hidden in the urethra area, which can cause pain during urination. Now you can visit MyPositiveSingles or positivesingless.com to get more information about Herpes.