Helping Elderly Loved Ones Stay Fit and Active in Winter


Staying fit and healthy is always harder in wintertime. Even when we’re young with no health or mobility issues, getting outdoors in winter is rarely as appealing as going for a walk on a summer’s day, and we’re even less likely to hit the gym when it’s cold and wet, preferring to keep warm at home. For older people who might suffer from joint pain in cold weather, it can be even harder. But by helping your elderly loved ones to stay fit and healthy over winter you help to boost their circulation, immune system, and mental health while reducing the risk of them developing winter illnesses or mobility problems. 

Make Sure They Can Keep Warm

Going out for a walk or spending time tending to a garden is still beneficial in winter. It’s a great way to get some fresh air, boost circulation, and stretch and tone muscles. But without the right warm and waterproof coats and shoes, this time outside can lead to coughs and colds and generally be unpleasant. Make sure your loved one has got the right clothes and footwear to stay warm and healthy when they do go outside in the winter. 

Invite Them on Family Walks 

Family walks in the winter can be great fun. There’s always a lot to see in winter and nature walks can be excellent exercise and a way to bond. If you have children, these family adventures are a great way to spend time together. Invite your elderly loved ones along, but make sure you go at their pace and don’t try to do too much. 

Invite Them to Join Family Activities

You don’t have to go outside or take a fitness class to stay fit and active. Indoor activities like baking or board games still get us moving. If your family has any indoor activities that they enjoy over the wintertime, see if your elderly loved ones would like to join in. 

Look for Fitness Groups and Classes

If your loved one is very isolated, looking for assisted living near me can be a great idea. In an assisted living community, they’ll be able to join lots of groups and classes and make friends to spend time with. If they still live at home, there might be some fitness groups for seniors in their local area. Look online with them for some options. 

Teach Them How to Find Online Fitness Videos

Online fitness videos give us a great way to exercise indoors in the wintertime. But your loved one might not be as good at finding them as you are. Show them how to get online and set YouTube up for them. Save some workouts that are suitable for them to do alone. 

If you are worried about your loved one’s health and well-being, or you have concerns about how well they are moving or their mental health, make sure you speak to them and advise them to see a doctor for further advice.