Everything You Need to Know About International Shipping Rates


The world is becoming increasingly international. With that in mind, there needs to be a way to get items across the world. 

As of now, about 11 billion tons of goods are transported across the seas each year. But, with international shipping, comes shipping rates.  And you need to find a reliable company like 1stoppacknship.com that can meet your moving requirements at reasonable prices.

What are the international shipping rates? And, what factors come into play? 

This is what you need to know. 


This is one of the biggest factors when it comes to international shipping. It is obviously much easier to ship a postcard than it is a car. 

If time is not a factor, there are ways to get this for a reasonable cost. USPS for example offers a medium flat rate of $75 to ship a box overseas. 

But, you can shave some cost off from them if your package is either under 16 ounces or under four pounds. 

For larger items, weight can become an even bigger factor, or the dimensions of the item can come into play. These usually have to go in containers, and size is just one of the factors for container shipping rates

Type of Shipping

How are you getting the item there? Are you having it shipped by plane, or by boat? 

This comes into play because a boat will take a lot longer than a plane to have your item reach its final destination. So, if you need an item shipped a certain way, then it may end up costing you more money. 

Also, some items may be able to fit on a plane better than a boat. For example, if you need a specific container to fit your items, and it is too wide to fit dimensions on a ship, it may cost you. 

Priority Timing 

Timing can factor into what type of shipping you need, but it also goes beyond that. If you need an item to get to a destination as fast as possible, you will have to pay for the privilege. 

Most shipping companies offer you a way to get your product to its final destination in 72 hours. However, the price attached with international moving company is a significant increase.

For example, USPS goes from $75 to $128 for a priority timed package. UPS goes from $170 to $230 if you need it sent as fast as possible. As for FedEx, that goes from $178 to $242. 

The faster you need an item to get there, the more you will pay. 

Time of Year

Finally, what time of year you are trying to have a package shipped can affect how fast it gets there. Certain times of year are just busier than others, such as in December when people are trying to send Christmas gifts to friends and family back home. 

However, the peak time depends on what industry you are in. For normal packages, it is the holidays. But, for larger items like containers, this can be in January or February. 

Learn More About International Shipping Rates

These are just four of the factors that come into play when trying to determine international shipping rates. Will you be able to work around this?

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