Everything You Actually Need To Know About The RHS Structural Steel Siring Australia’s Construction Projects


RHS is one of the most common acronyms thrown around in the technical terms of engineering, construction and industrial development. According to the Australian standard, RHS Steel refers to the hollow steel tubes or pipes having a rectangular cross-section. Steel tubes consistent with circular or square-shaped designs are termed CHS and SHS, respectively and all these are extensively used in construction projects all around the country.

Steel usage has always been prevalent throughout the construction sector as the need for more high rise buildings peaks with the wave of urbanisation sweeping throughout Australia. Generating over 360 billion dollars in revenue, it is safe to say that construction is a successful sector that promises growth in the coming years. And as the construction industry grows, so actually does the need for steel tubings and pipes to support and strengthen buildings and surfaces.

RHS Steel And How To Choose The Best Quality:

Using high-quality materials is a must for any successful construction project, and inferior qualities can often lead to disastrous consequences.

  • Without the right quality, RHS Steel will not withstand the necessary load conditions and, in the end, will give way to stress failure.
  • Lack of quality, in a way, means a lack of proper durability and strength. And when companies forego durability for the price, they get steel that bends badly, leading to cracks and fractures throughout the material. Not only does this add to a ton of maintenance work, but it also raises problems during fabrication and manufacturing.
  • Speaking of fabrication, welding will also be difficult as it is hard to get a proper weld joint for inferior quality.

So how does a company get their hands on good quality steel tubing? This answer can be explained in two parts:

  1. Don’t buy metals from outside Australia. Most experts and manufacturers can agree that the price is less, but they don’t know that they’re sacrificing quality for a couple of bucks of profit. Always be cautious of products that cost less compared to the national standard price.
  1. Only buy the steel if it is stamped and verified according to Australian standards. Proper verification regarding the process of production, the date and place of manufacture must be approved before the purchase is made.

Advantages Of Using RHS Steel:

  • They can incorporate several types of alloys seamlessly into the design process without having to risk integrity or durability.
  • It’s highly versatile and is currently used in different projects across hundreds of sectors and industries.
  • They are manufactured in the country under reputable plants keeping with the standards of production and manufacturing. So companies don’t have to shed a single sweat over the question of quality.
  • Construction projects are easier as these steel tubes can be loaded from any direction and their flat surfaces add to their utility.

Applications Of RHS Steel:

  • They can be used in the construction of virtually anything from fences to flooring. Commonly, they are found in construction projects in the industrial sectors, housing, commercial plans and agricultural uses.
  • They are used to make different parts and designs in the welding and fabrication industries. This can be attributed to the fact that they are easy to work with and able to withstand extremes of temperatures as well as pressures respectively.
  • Due to its aesthetics and availability of different coloured variants, they can be used to strengthen or build structural supports that are fully or partially exposed.
  • Considering the weight, they have high tolerance factors compared to other metals and the fact that they’re cost-effective, makes them a reliable choice for all industries as the best raw material.