Covington Dermatologist Advice : What’s a Chemical Peel?


If you’ve been looking at Covington dermatologist treatments, you’re more than likely already aware of chemical peels and what they’re meant for. However, if not, we’re here to discuss the option, what it is and who it’s for. We could waffle on, but instead, let’s get to it and describe what the treatment is and how it works.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

Essentially, a chemical peel is a cosmetic option designed to minimise the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles and scarring. There are a number of different varieties, but they almost always contain an acid compound that’s used to provide an exfoliating action to the skin.

Uniformly spread out over the whole area that needs attention, it’s a treatment that requires sufficient time for the skin to heal itself, but greatly reduces the appearance of hyperpigmentation or scarring. When applied by a reputable dermatologist, it’s known for being particularly gentle too.

Acne correction procedures are not only straightforward, but can make a difference to your skin and your confidence.

How Do They Work?

Whichever type of chemical peel you go for, they all tend to do the same thing. Usually, it’s a treatment that affects the dermis and the epidermis. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin that you can see, with the dermis – the layer that features your hair follicles, sweat glands and nerve endings – sitting beneath.

Minimising Redness, Scarring & Dark Spots

The process works to remove all dead skin that exists, as well as balancing sebum levels, allowing the clearer, smoother skin underneath to shine through. Chemical peels are also effective at minimising scarring, acne, rosacea, redness and hyperpigmentation. 

Left In Place for 4-6 Hours

Typically, when an expert Covington dermatologist applies the peel, it’s first applied to the cheeks, nose and chin (the thicker areas of skin), before it’s applied to the thinner areas, such as the mouth and eyes. Once left in place for 4-6 hours, it’s then removed using cool saline. 

Potential Peeling & Swelling

What sometimes happens after a chemical peel is a little swelling, but that never usually lasts more than 7-14 days. The duration will depend on the concentration and depth of the peel and it’s crucial that you refrain from washing your face or wearing makeup for the first 24 hours. 

How Many Types of Chemical Peel Are There?

As we alluded to earlier, there’s more than one type of chemical peel. In fact, there’s three main varieties, with each one penetrating the dermis and epidermis to a different level. The names of each type offer a clear view of what each one offers:

  1. superficial
  2. medium-depth
  3. deep

When you’re agreeing which is best with your Covington dermatologist, the answer will depend on what you’re trying to achieve and your skin tone. Superficial peels are obviously the least penetrative, requiring as little as a few days to recover from, with medium peels taking around twice as long. 

Deep peels, on the other hand, can take up to three weeks to heal and will be the chosen option for people with severe levels of hyperpigmentation, sun damage and wrinkles. 

Talk With Your Covington Dermatologist For More Details

The finer details of the treatment can be discussed with your dermatologist, who will highlight any reasons or special considerations that you need to make.

This is a great option for most skin types, with the only notable exceptions to that rule being pregnant ladies, those who have keloids and anyone who takes oral acne meds. Everyone else gets to enjoy the many benefits provided.