Common Home Electrical Problems and Solutions


According to the Census of Population and Housing conducted in 2016, about 8 million households are present in Australia. About 700,000 of them reside in the Greater Brisbane area. Due to the extreme cold experienced there, during the winter, people dust off their heaters, electric-powered blankets etc., and the air conditioners during the summer to control the house temperature. Old or new, there are actually bound to be some issues in electrical wiring in homes that need to be taken care of. When it comes to electrical issues in households, resident safety is paramount, and consulting the best electrician in Brisbane would ensure safety and prevent accidents. 

But for this, one must actually be able to identify potential problems and ways to contain them before reporting them to the nearest trusted electrician. The list below aims to help the readers identify some common electrical wiring problems and their potential solutions.

Surges in the Electricity

Electrical surges occur due to accidents caused by lightning strikes, poor wiring, damaged appliances or faulty power lines. Surges are a common occurrence in the cities like Brisbane, especially when there is extreme weather. When it is rare and lasting for just a microsecond, it is not damaging. But if it occurs frequently, it could damage the electrical and electronic equipment in the house. An effective solution for this is to check all the devices that connect to the home wiring and disconnect those that go through poor-quality power boards. If the surges continue, one must call an electrician in Brisbane.

 Frequent Burning and Flickering of Light Bulbs

If the light bulbs installed in the house are burning out too often, one must check if there is a high wattage in the circuit, if the insulation is close to the light, the wiring is poor around the circuit and the mains and if there is more wattage flowing on a dimmer switch. It can be a high inconvenience and can take a toll on the electricity and appliance bills. Flickering could occur when the wiring is frayed, which causes it to short circuit, especially when it is windy or rainy. One must invest in quality wiring and curcuits along with quality LED rocker switch to avoid such issues. In any case, one must contact an electrician from Caboolture to check for these issues and fix them.

Electrical Shocks from Appliances

When there is actually an issue with the wiring, appliance or earthing in a building, there are high chances of appliances causing electrical shocks. The chances of these electrical issues occurring are high in old homes as the circuits are fitted during the olden days. One can check if the problem is with the appliance or the wiring by safely using another device. The advisable thing to do is actually to consult with an electrician and resolve the issue.

Malfunctioning Light Switches

Sub-standard products and shoddy workmanship could result in dimmer switches malfunctioning and not adjusting the light properly. A faulty circuit, wiring or outlet in a house with superseded switches and fixtures could also result in the switches not working properly. One must consult an electrician in Brisbane to open the switchboard and look at the issue safely.

Tripping Circuit Breaker and Circuit Overload

When multiple high wattage heating appliances like hairdryers and microwaves are used simultaneously, they could result in circuit breaker tripping. A circuit breaker is actually designed to protect the house and the appliances when there is a power surge or malfunction. One of the main reasons for frequent tripping of circuit breakers is the overload of power boards. One can prevent this by unplugging devices that aren’t in use, not overburdening a single circuit, and not daisy chaining the power cords.