Studying was once an activity that was mostly devoid of any modern technology. People thought that reading a simple book, writing down information and talking about certain subjects with other people was the ultimate way to learn. However, it turns out that technology can be a great aid in your path toward knowledge. Today, many educational establishments are using innovative tech to make studying easier, faster, more effective and more interesting to all people willing to learn and improve themselves. Here’s how you can use technology to achieve great studying results:
Apps for better organization of your day
Time management is one of the hardest things about studying successfully. To minimize procrastination, it’s crucial to create a schedule and organize your study sessions, so writing down your plan for studying is necessary. If you’re not into old-school pen and paper, there are apps you can use for a touch of modernity in your life. Plus, apps are much better at planning than you are. There are many study planning apps you can download for free, but you can also use Google Calendar. Tech allows you to set alarms and reminders, tick off finished tasks, stay mindful of due dates and keep the amount of time you’ve spent studying. These apps are great for minimizing stress about deadlines, and they also give you a clear goal to work towards without overworking your eyes, head and back.
Tech that improves focus
When you need to study something that you’re not very much interested in, every little thing can be a distraction. Tech is considered to be the most distracting (especially with social media) but it can also be the very thing that keeps you focused. The first tech innovation that comes to mind when exercising focus is the famous Pomodoro timer. This little gadget or app divides your study sessions into portions that are easy to digest, with useful breaks in between to rest your eyes and reset your brain. Pomodoro has apps, programs and tools that allow you to set up your timers and go to work. Also, there are programs that play beneficial brain music that deepens focus and helps relaxation. Some people who don’t like to study alone can stay focused with study-with-me videos. Instead of focusing on your phone, Instagram and silly games, you can use technology to keep you dedicated to your tasks.
Better access to information
Just ten or twenty years ago, the only way to access information was to go to a library and scour rows and rows of books, encyclopedias and papers. Thanks to technology, you don’t have to waste time like that anymore. If you know which sources are reliable and which are better left alone, you can find almost any information you need online. For studying, just go to Google Scholar or access digital libraries and that’s it—you have thousands of papers and books at your disposal. It’s also possible to access college papers and notes through official study-note websites. Let’s say you’re going to Southampton—simply access useful Southampton docs and gather all information you need for your exams. These notes and papers are written by your peers but reviewed by experts, so they are 100% correct and safe for use.
Effective revision
Simply reading books, papers and notes for hours will not do much for your long-term retention of information. A much better method of studying is the active recall method, AKA revision. And you can make revision very easy, effective and fun with new tech. For instance, many students benefit from creating flashcards to study from. Making quizzes is also a great idea that can trigger long-term retention of information. With this tech, you can learn while making study tools and later use these tools to keep information fresh in your mind. Interactiveness provided by technology further helps with the learning process.
Easy collaborative learning
Today, studying can be a very lonely experience. Many of us still need to stay at home due to the pandemic and many forms of library learning or study groups are discouraged. However, with technology, it’s easier than ever to organize collaborative learning and discuss subjects with your peers. Through Zoom calls, Dropbox and other chatting features, you can share notes, clear dilemmas and help each other stay focused while learning. These tools help you hold each other accountable while also minimizing isolation. Plus, study breaks with friends are much more fun than study breaks alone when you need to stare into space or scroll on social media.
Tech doesn’t have to be a distraction while studying. If you incorporate it into your study sessions in the right way, you can greatly benefit from technology during learning. Sure, you can always get distracted by tech, but that goes with any other thing in the world when you have a boring subject to learn. But with proper use, technology can provide you with many more benefits than distractions.