Benefits of Using Thailam to Get Rid of Body Pain


Sometimes body pain or joint pain can be your worst nightmare, which can give you a lot of trouble in the cold monsoons, chilly winter, or old age. Joints are very important parts of the body, as they connect the tissues between the bones and tissues. 

So, the condition of your joints usually determines the flexibility of your body as well as your entire health. Ayurvedic oils that are known as thailam, can be a good option to cure body pain, are becoming quite popular.

Imagine the kind of trouble you will face if you cannot perform regular tasks like sitting down, standing up, bending, walking, etc. So, to get rid of the problems of body pain, it is best to use Ayurvedic thailam without facing any side effects.

Before knowing about the benefits of using thailam to get rid of body pain, you need to know about the actual causes of body pain. 

What are the common causes of body pain?

The damaged joints are a common cause of body pain among older people. Some causes of joint pains can be:

  • Inflammation in the tissues
  • Old age
  • Natural wear and tear of the bones and joints
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Strains and sprains
  • Depletion of bone
  • Injuries and accidents
  • Degeneration of the cartilages due to inadequate physical activity or vitamin deficiencies.
  • Joint pain can lead to swelling in the joints, severe pain, stiffness, and also limited movement.

Ayurvedic perspective for body pain

As per Ayurveda, body or joint pain may be the result of the Vata imbalance or due to the accumulation of different toxins. Since Vata is related to body movement, it can easily weaken the tissues and harm the joints. This causes depletion in the joint protecting lubricants and results in body pain and stiffness while moving.

Another reason for having body pain is the accumulation of toxins. With weakened digestion, toxin levels of our body increase. Thus, causing inflammation and stiffness and finally resulting in body pain.

Benefits of Ayurvedic thailam for treating joint and body pain

Ayurveda has always played a crucial role in treating the different problems of human health. The medicines of Ayurveda treat health issues by properly blending the body, mind, and spirit. 

As per Ayurveda, the imbalances of different doshas can cause body pain and thus can be reduced by using the effective Ayurvedic thailam. The benefits of using Ayurvedic thailam for body pain are:

  • Massaging an effective Ayurvedic thailam can help you by relieving your body or joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation. It also helps with the circulation of blood. 
  • It can help you by quickly addressing your bone, joint, and muscle injuries.
  • Several studies and researches suggest that by using Ayurvedic thailam you can easily burn fat and get rid of any extra weight.
  • It is also believed that by regular massage of an Ayurvedic thailam you can easily get rid of the impurities and toxins of your body.
  • A good massage of Ayurvedic thailam can stimulate your internal organs and remove the metabolic waste from your body.
  • The thailam can promote tissues, cells, bones, joints, and muscles.

Therefore, the use of Ayurvedic thailam can be really helpful to get rid of your body pain without any harmful effects.