Applying for a job – How to make sure there’s nothing harmful online


When you apply for a job, you might not think to check what’s been said about you online. However, more and more employers are turning to the internet to learn more about their candidates. This means that it’s important to make sure there’s nothing harmful or negative floating around about you on the web.

Google Yourself 

Job seekers these days are wise to “google” themselves before beginning a job hunt. By simply searching their names, job seekers can get an idea of what kind of information about them is available online. This is important because employers often research job candidates online as part of the hiring process. If candidates don’t take the time to google themselves, they may be caught off-guard by what an employer finds. Additionally, googling oneself can help identify any outdated or inaccurate information that may be floating around the internet. By taking control of one’s online presence, job seekers can increase their chances of making a good impression on potential employers.

Run Background Checks on Yourself 

If you’re serious about landing a great job, it’s important to do your homework – and that includes running a background check on yourself. By taking the time to review your own records, you can avoid any potential surprises during the hiring process.

To run a background check, you can hire a professional service or use one of the many online tools available. Request a copy of your criminal history, as well as your credit report. This information will give you a good idea of what potential employers might find if they decide to run a background check on you. In some cases, you may find that there is inaccurate information in your records. If this is the case, take steps to correct the situation before applying for jobs. Inaccurate information can damage your chances of being hired, so it’s important to resolve any issue as quickly as possible.

By running a check on yourself, you can be confident that you’re putting your best foot forward during the job hunt. Take the time to review your records and make sure everything is in order – it could be the difference between landing the job and being passed over for an opportunity.

Clean Up Your Social Media 

With job hunting comes the inevitable task of sprucing up your social media accounts. After all, employers nowadays are increasingly likely to check out an applicant’s online presence as part of the screening process. This means that any questionable content on your account could cost you the job. So, what counts as “questionable” content? In general, it’s anything that could be interpreted as unprofessional or inappropriate. This includes profanity, offensive jokes, revealing photos, and so on. Basically, if you wouldn’t want your future boss to see it, it’s probably best to remove it from your account. In addition to cleaning up your own account, you should also take a look at the accounts of anyone who is connected to you online. If there are any red flags on their accounts, it’s possible that employers will assume that you share their views. As such, it’s generally a good idea to distance yourself from anything that could reflect poorly on you. While it takes some effort to clean up your social media presence, it’s definitely worth doing if you want to improve your chances of landing a job.

Look for Yourself in Public Records 

As you begin your job search, it’s important to take some time to understand what potential employers might be able to find out about you online. One way to do this is to search for your own name in public records. By doing a simple search of your name, you can get an idea of what information is readily available about you. This can help you decide whether or not to include certain details on your resume or cover letter. Additionally, searching public records can help you spot any inaccuracies that might appear in your background check. If you find anything that looks incorrect, you can take steps to correct the record before potential employers see it. 


When you’re job hunting, it’s important to be aware of what potential employers might find out about you online. By running a background check on yourself, cleaning up your social media presence, and looking for yourself in public records, you can make sure that there’s nothing harmful online that could damage your chances of landing a job.