All the Benefits of Vitamin D and How to Get Enough


There are all sorts of vitamins that human beings should be ingesting on a regular basis. Unfortunately, when it comes to Vitamin D, in particular, around 42% of Americans are deficient.

This can have some fairly dire consequences, affecting both the physical and mental health of those who are deficient. Curious as to the benefits of Vitamin D? Wondering how to get enough of it?

We’re going to tell you below!

Vitamin D Benefits

There are all sorts of benefits that come with taking Vitamin D. Some of the most prominent of these benefits include:

Increased Bone Strength

Vitamin D is vital in that helps the body to absorb calcium. Calcium is needed to aid in bone strength. So, the more Vitamin D you ingest, the better you’ll absorb calcium, and the greater your bone health will be.

Improved Immune Response

Though there’s still much studying left to do, evidence indicates that Vitamin D improves a person’s immune system. In other words, it helps a person to stave off flus, the cold, and even Covid-19.

Enhanced Mood

There is also evidence to suggest that Vitamin D regulates a person’s mood. As such, it helps to stave off both depression and anxiety.

Sources of Vitamin D

There are quite a few sources for Vitamin D, some of them more accessible than others. They include but aren’t limited to the following.

The Sun

Believe it or not, the sun is a huge source of Vitamin D. Getting regular sunlight alone can be enough to remedy a person’s Vitamin D deficiency. Note, though, that a good many human beings fail to obtain adequate amounts of Vitamin D through sun exposure.


Most fish are high in Vitamin D as well. Fatty fish are the best seafood source. These include tuna, salmon, trout, and mackerel, for example).

Dairy Products

There are quite a few dairy products that are high in vitamin D as well. Cheese carries high amounts of Vitamin D naturally. Milk and yogurt, on the other hand, are usually fortified with Vitamin D.


If you aren’t getting enough Vitamin D through food or sunlight, you should consider taking Vitamin D supplements. These are essentially just capsules that are filled with Vitamin D. They’re taken once or twice daily and provide you with all of the Vitamin D you could ever need.

For example, take a look at these Vitamin D supplements from Vitabiotics.

Time to Reap the Benefits of Vitamin D

As you can see, the benefits of Vitamin D are huge. Not only does Vitamin D help you to maintain a positive mood but it also assists in strengthening your bones and improving your overall immune response. So, regardless of what you have to do in order to do it, ensure that you’re getting enough Vitamin D on a regular basis.

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