All about trade secret: advantages, law applicable & how to manage


Each and every large organisation must possess confidential information that they hardly disclose with anyone, especially with competing entities. If you think that trade secret is similar to intellectual property, then we must say you need to improvise your thought. It is more than that and covers a huge area at the same time. 

However, large organisations mostly used these tactics to coat necessary information from public sight. Nevertheless, it is also undeniable that even a small company running on the fund strength of guaranteed business loan should also use these tactics from the very beginning. This helps a company sustain itself within a competitive market without disclosing its product secret.

What is a trade secret?

It is a process of designing products or internal factors. It is also a composed way of arranging valuable information which outside of the business entity hardly knows. Moreover, there are several benefits of using this method. 

One of the most effective is financial advancement and securing good profit despite the presence of competitors. However, it can easily say from the definition mentioned earlier that a trade secret is generally not accessible for anonymous or outsiders. 

This is a process to safeguard important documents from the eye of the public as well as competitors. After implementing this strategy on business, a merchant can enjoy limitless benefits and boost the graph of growth to the fullest. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that only those information are eligible for safeguarding which has commercial value and serves extensive importance to the company. 

Besides, a business person should also understand the necessary laws to adhere to. There are no limitations of keeping trade secrets and strongly depends upon as long as a businessman wants. However, if any confidential information became disclose then, it will never come under trade secret anymore. 

What are the advantages of trade secrets applying in business? 

While intellectual property is a part of a trade secret, it should be safeguard by applying this process. Large organisations used to implement the process of the trade secret to secure high revenue. Apart from securing a huge amount of income, a company can enjoy several other benefits too, which include, 

  • Zero expense on registration – while most companies need to spend huge amounts of money to get a legal registration certificate, they can implement trade secrets easily drive out these expenses. After the implementation of such a strategy, a company can easily minimise the necessity of registration. Instead of that, it can show the legal authority’s trade secret certificate.  

However, it is also undeniable that even after using a trade secret strategy, a company may need to pay additional costs like administrative charges, expenditures due to putting the legal wall in between outsiders and insiders. 

  • No more uncovering – Although people may find the traditional way of registration more effective, it is no longer protective. During the times of registration, a businessman needs to uncover details about those intellectual properties to prove authenticity. On that note, there is no use in registering a company because the intellectual property no longer remains covered.  

We have mentioned earlier that when secret information becomes disclosed to the public, it never comes under trade secret. Therefore, when a company opts for a trade secret strategy, then at any point, legal administrative will never ever ask for disclosing any of the secret information. 

  • It is not time bounded – There is a validity period of the registration certificate. Generally, merchants need to renew it before the expiry. While your patent may be outdated, trade secrets will never. Usually, a trade secret is like a long term beneficial investment, and you need to panic over the license till the end of the world. 
  • Serve protection – Accept it or not, even if you do not go for a trade secret. Still, you need to pay money for registration atleast to run the business legally. But even after spending money, the registration certificate will not assure the protection of your intellectual property. Besides, after having a registration certificate, it’s only used for authenticating the company.

On the other hand, trade secret rules are made in such a way so that it may serve several benefits to the company apart from marinating confidentiality. It is the first and foremost priority of a company to sustain itself within a competitive market. We have seen many merchants confessing that to maintain security. They have to pay again for trade secrets even after having a registration certificate. 

What is the law applicable to trade secrets? 

Actually, the trade secret is the new-gen confidential process for business entities. The introduction of the law in this concept made the entire theory a bit more acceptable. For this reason, if any person who is considered an intruder tries to enter into the boundary of the confidential periphery, he may get punishment. 

Even the latest jurisdiction recently added unhealthy practices as a part of the trade secret. Therefore, it provides ultimate security to those companies which become the victims of unhealthy competition. Besides, inappropriate trade secrets also come under punishment if proved. 

European Commission was working on it to include inside the trade secret law and finally do it. 

How to manage trade secret? 

Management of trade secrets completely varies from one organisation to another. Here is mentioned several ways of handling trade secrets. 

  • To maintain perfect security the entire trade secret management needs to be obliged upon a particular person who can be a vigilance officer of that company. 
  • A company needs to apply rules and regulations regarding trade secret policy. 
  • Never disclose secret documents with people other than the employee. 
  • Using secret credentials to resist employees from disclosing valuable information from the boundary of office premises. 
  • Making employees aware of the necessity of marinating confidentially and secrecy of that important information. Educating employees why a company should take care of secret documents. 
  • Decimating which information should remain confidential and which can be shared. Recognising employee who tends to uncover confidential information.