What Kind of Damages Can You Claim in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?


If you have been injured because of the negligence of another person, company, or organization, it may be time to consider a personal injury lawsuit. Personal injury lawsuits are designed to provide a remedy for damages that were incurred as the direct result of someone else’s action or inaction. An Edwardsville personal injury lawyer will be able to analyze the case and provide a legal analysis of how your damages were caused and how much you can recover.

Damages in a personal injury lawsuit allow you to recover money that was lost as a direct result of someone else’s negligence or gross negligence.  We will now see into the common kinds of damages that you can claim in a personal injury lawsuit.

  1. Damages to property

Damages to property, also known as “property damages” or simply “property loss,” are expenses you incurred to fix the damage that was done to your property or replace destroyed or stolen property. It could be the cost of repairing your car after an accident or replacing the contents of your home after a fire or explosion.

  1. Costs of injury and medical treatment

The cost of injury and medical treatment is the expense you incurred to fix the injury that you suffered or the cost of any medical treatment, such as doctor visits, medications, and hospital visits. You might also get compensation for future medical costs as well.

  1. Costs of emotional distress

Costs of emotional distress can include mental anguish, stress, and other mental injuries that you have suffered because of the incident. These can be monetary damages as well.

  1. Loss of future earnings or loss of earning capacity

If you are permanently injured because of the incident, it may be hard for you to work again in your previous capacity. In such cases, you are expected to claim compensation for the loss of future earnings that you would have otherwise made or for the loss of earning capacity, which is an amount that represents the difference between what a person could have earned before and after the incident.

  1. Loss of enjoyment of life

Any permanent physical injuries you receive because of the incident may alter your lifestyle and take away your ability to do things that you enjoyed in the past.  You can claim compensation for loss of enjoyment of life if you have suffered a permanent disability.