10 health benefits of drinking water: 


Your body is 60% consist of water, whereas your blood is 90%. You can imagine how a huge percentage of your body depends upon water. Drinking water daily in the routine can help you to stay healthy and energetic. Health is an essential element in life. No one can doubt the importance of health. There is a universal consensus that water is the only drink that you can have regularly. There are no side effects of water. It is natural and completely hygienic. Water can have countless benefits to your body which you can easily assess once you start drinking it, giving it importance and start taking its consumption seriously. In this article, you will get to know that what are the benefits of drinking water daily and if you don’t have time to manage your habit tracker water https://cheqmark.io/blog/how-to-track-new-habits-the-habit-of-drinking-water/ for better health management. Let’s get straight into this. 

Facts about water:

Water is such a drink which is underrated, and we don’t take seriously how strong the connection of water is with your health. These are a few fun facts regarding water that may not have heard before. 

  • The adult body is 60% consist of water.
  • There is a universal consensus on water that it can be taken daily.
  • Water helps you to reduce your weight.

Importance of water for health:

These are the benefits of water to your health that most people don’t know and you should use these as Cheqmark for a better life.

  • Boost up the energy level: One of water’s most fascinating benefits is a boost in your brain power. As your brain consists of 70% water, which helps you in thinking and concentrating on the tasks you do throughout the day. You feel energetic and resultantly your productivity increase. You should maintain a water intake of 12 glasses of water a day. 
  • Remove toxins from the body: You may have heard this from your gym instructor (sweat as you can). Drinking Water regularly helps remove toxins within the body. Your body toxins will be released through your urine, and you will stay healthy. This also prevents the tiny stones to trap in the intestines and kidneys. Kidney problems are probably caused by unhealthy diets, but you can ultimately get rid of this by drinking water in an order.
  • Better complexion: This is an interesting fact that water helps to improve your complexion. Ladies should drink more water after reading this article. Research says when a body doesn’t receive adequate water, it feels dehydrated, and the skin does not look healthy. Water has special properties that hydrate your skin and remove dehydration from your skin. Drinking water in your schedule will help you to improve your facial features. Obviously, it’s a time-consuming process but after a while, you will see a difference. 
  • Helps your immune system: Water is the easiest and cheapest way of staying healthy in all seasons. This is one of the ignored benefits of water that it boosts your immune system. As it has a direct connection with your immune system. Water improves your immune system by carrying oxygen to your cells in the body and flushing out all the toxins within the body. 
  • Regulation of your body temperature: Water cools down your temperature of body. Doctors recommend dipping the face, hands, and feet in the water for blood pressure problems. As it has such an adequate cooling effect that relaxes your nerves and calms down the body. If you are suffering from body heating issues. Do start using water and see the difference. 
  • Get rid of bad health: This is one of the common problems among adults that they breathe and smell really bad. This problem not only displease you but also others and sometimes people couldn’t stand alongside you. Since whenever you open your mouth, a layer of bad breath comes out of it and messes everything. Water and some chewing products are the best solutions for your bad breathing. You should also maintain your dental health daily. Use mouthwash and drink an adequate amount of water regularly which will alleviate gradually the stinky breath. 
  • Reduce back pain: Back pain is quite awful and with no cure, this pain can turn into chronic pain. Backache is often caused by dehydration of the body. Since your vertebrates of bones are supported through the discs. Each disc of your central nucleus is made of water. You need to pay heed if you are suffering from back pain for a long time. Start hydrating your body and then results may amuse you. 
  • Promote a healthy digestion system: Drinking water is essential for better digestion. Drinking warm water has the ability to digest food at a rapid speed as compared to cold or normal-temperature water. Water is also beneficial if you are suffering from constipation. Start making water an important part of your life. Water can also be beneficial if you drink as you get up early in the morning.

Which water is good for human health?

You should drink boiled and purified water daily. Boiled water is the safest water drink. As boiling the water removes all its bacteria, germs and different types of viruses. Additionally, add a pinch of salt to each litre of water. This will also be beneficial for health. 

Is drinking hot water healthy?

Water whether hot or cold is beneficial for beneficial in both states. But some experts say that drinking hot water improves food digestion, and weight loss, and relaxes the body. 

What happens to your body when you start drinking more water?

When you drink more water, you urinate more and resultantly your body toxins are released through your urine in large quantities. Your body gets detoxed. You feel less hungry, and you lose weight. It all will happen when you get persistent and aim to become healthy. Once you start drinking it. You are one step away to achieve the required results. 

How long does water stay in your body?

It all depends upon the state of your stomach whether it is full or empty. Unlike other beverages, water takes less time in its digestion. It may take less than 5 minutes or up to 1 hour.