5 Classic Novels That Go Well With A Cup of Wonder Tea


The beverage that is Wonder Tea is both refreshing and delicious, and there’s nothing quite like having a cup with a good book. As such, we thought we’d scour the internet to find the perfect novels to enjoy with the delicious drink. We’ve come up with some pretty amazing ones too. 

We had to start with a classic and one that’s closely linked to this particular tea.

Novel #1 – Alice In Wonderland 

Believe it or not, the famous novel by Lewis Carroll is the inspiration for Wonder Tea – as it gains its name from the great author’s mythical realm – Wonderland. As you read, Alice goes on to meet all the old favourites, from the Mad Hatter to the Cheshire Cat, and your accompanying cup of tea offers an extra dimension to proceedings. 

Novel #2 – The Hound of the Baskervilles 

If solving mysteries is more your thing, then something with Sherlock Holmes as the lead character is undoubtedly going to suffice. The strawberry, chocolate and caramel tones of the tea help to comfort you as you move through what is a very thrilling and intriguing tale. We won’t ruin the end, but you may get through more than a cup or two along the way. 

Novel #3 – Pride & Prejudice 

With the nights drawing in and Winter approaching, you need a good long book that will keep you entertained for the long haul. And they don’t come more epic than Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. Cosy up with this classic tale and a cup of deliciously sweet and warming tea by the fire, and you have the perfect recipe for an enjoyable afternoon. 

Novel #4 – Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Roald Dahl was quite the storyteller, and what better way to enjoy the flavor profile of Wonder Tea than with a tale that’s all about sweetness and candy? Willy Wonka is a classic tale that’s been committed to film more than once, and you’ll literally be able to taste the chocolate river that Augustus Gloop falls into every time you take a sip of your beverage! 

Novel #5 – Alice, Through the Looking Glass 

Ok, so we couldn’t resist putting the sequel to Alice in Wonderland on our list – the tea is inspired by the series, after all. As Alice continues her adventures, it gives you another reason to pour yourself a cup of tea that carries the same name and enjoy those gorgeous, sweet, warming flavors again. Nobody said you had to limit yourself to one cup, right?

Enjoying Your Wonder Tea The Way It Was Meant 

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this light-hearted walk through this classic literary landscape and that our article has, in some small way, inspired you to put the kettle on and sample the sweet flavors of this amazing and wonderful tea. 

How you enjoy yours is up to you, but if you want to work your way through our suggestions, it’s going to take you a while.