Best ways to optimize your bedroom for better sleep:


Your bedroom is a most important part of your home where you spend the most intimate and stress free moments of your life. However, some people have their bedroom converted into a living room that leads to restlessness several hours after they are in bed. There are several ways in which you can improve your bedroom for a better sleep.

Add darkness to the room:

Your biological clock makes you sleep depending on the light in the surrounding area. If there is so much light, your brain will perceive it as daytime even if it is night. So, you should make it completely dark in your room when you go to bed. Turn off all the lights of the room and invest in window curtains which completely blackout your room. This will help you if you don’t want to wake up with the sunrise.

Sleep apnea pillows:

We all need a pillow for a good night’s sleep. Those who suffer from the disorder of sleep apnea cannot sleep no matter how comfortable a pillow they have. There are specially designed pillow for sleep apnea that are manufactured with the special type of pillow known as modern ventilated memory. If you are already getting CPAP therapy, the pillow will provide you with the next level of comfort.

Make your room free of electronics:

It might sound challenging to you at first but it is not. White and blue light of LEDs go against melatonin and do not let your brain sleep. Same effect is carried by your mobile phone screen. When you use screens for a longer period of time before sleeping, your body feels more active and due to this, you find it really hard to sleep. Make sure that all the electronics are out of your reach when you are in your bed if you don’t want to remove them from your room.

Lower the temperature of the room:

Human body feels sleepy when the temperature of the room is low and tends to stay alert and active when it is warm. Human body also decreases its temperature naturally when a human being is sleeping so that the person keeps sleeping. If you want to have a good night’s sleep, it would be better for you to lower the temperature of the room.

Get rid of noise:

Another improvement that you can bring to your bedroom is make it noise free. In a quieter bedroom, you will find it very easy to fall asleep. People who sleep in the noise experience regular sleep disruptions. You can bring improvements to your bedroom so that it can block outside noise. First of all, get rid of all noise producing electronics from your room. After that, you can invest in ear masks that are especially designed for people who don’t want to hear noise before sleeping. Also, add noise reducing curtains in the bedroom.