Your proposal would have been something out of a fairy-tale. Candles, the sea, friends and family or it could have been the most intimate yet out of the world experience. Either way once you have said yes comes the interesting part of planning the wedding. We can quite assure you planning a wedding is stressful no matter how much you say you will not become a Bridezilla. For all of these you need a wedding planner book.
There is a Bridezilla in every one of us and it is going to come out at one point or another. However, the experience does not have to be all-bad. You might disagree on guest numbers and what type of wedding cake you like, but the real confusion comes from not having planned out your tasks. The last-minute changes are going to slip your mind and you cannot let that happen. Therefore, here is a list of the biggest tasks you need to get done before you get carried away in the process of planning.
Set a budget
It is normal to want to go all out but realistically a wedding budget is one of the first things you need to note down before getting into the planning. Set aside how much you want to spend and how it will be split or shared depending on yourself and your partner finances and decision. Once this is set then the fun of planning it begins.

Book the venue
Yes, seems like quite the no brainer but there are couples who have later realized they may have missed making the down payment for their wedding venue. Unless you have had your heart fixated on one particular venue for as long as you can remember you and your partner will have to go venue hunting.
You will have brochures from a hundred different places. Keep them all noted down in your wedding planner book. Yes, that is a thing as it eases off the confusion and helps you tick off tasks when completed. Write the place, the date and the amount so there is no confusion as you go on.
Pick and stick to a theme
Everything on Pinterest looks great but in all honestly not all of it can be pulled off. Be realistic and also a bit dreamy when you select your wedding theme. Colours, layouts and accessories you are going to need for it and the most important part is stick to it. Careful planning and much thought should be given even with the little details such as knowing how to choose chair covers for your special event and the type and color of linens that would match your theme. Keep pictures and reminders of how you want it to look so you grow into it and not away from it each time you see something else that you want to try.
Split responsibilities
Your partner and you will have to split tasks. Depending on each other’s strengths it will be a game of divide and conquer. Each one’s family might want to pitch it too so accept their help it will come in handy. Tick off each task as you finish it so you do not forget and repeat or waste time over it.