Be a Fitter & Healthier you with These 5 Tips


We should all strive to become fitter and healthier, especially now during these troubled times with multiple lockdowns and social distancing. Some people lead very busy lives, while others have a lot of time on their hands, but either way, keeping in shape is important for your health & well-being and with that in mind, here are a few tips to become a fitter and healthier person.

  1. Dietary Considerations – We are what we eat, or so the saying goes, and making sure that your diet contains all of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need should be a priority. Those over 50 should take anti inflammatory supplements, which contain an A-Z of essentials, in case you are lacking anything in your diet. Everything in moderation is definitely the order of the day regarding what you eat and drink.
  2. Set Up a Good Exercise Regime – Regardless of your age, everyone needs a certain level of physical exercise and investing in a treadmill from Thailand’s leading fitness equipment supplier will ensure that you get the daily exercise. Many people prefer to work out in the comfort of their own home and there are suppliers of state-of-the-art fitness equipment that can be found with a Google search.
  3. Find an Effective Way to De-Stress – Some people spend time listening to soothing music in a dimly lit room, while others prefer to meditate, or you could take up a hobby that you are passionate about. If you have a lot on your mind, there are experienced counsellors that you can talk to (easily found with a Google search), which often helps. Whatever problems you might have, it is far better to share them with an anonymous counsellor and this service has helped many Thai people deal with the stress of multiple lockdowns and unemployment. If you are planning to relocate soon, here are a few relocation expenses you shouldn’t overlook.
  4. Take Up a Sport – Playing a team sport offers many benefits, not only does it keep you fit, you also make a lot of new friends. Of course, you will need to attend training sessions mid-week, if not, you could train at home, especially if you invest in fitness equipment. Playing sports is more than just fun, it gives you a sense of belonging to a group and having a united goal does wonders for your self-esteem.
  5. Self-Propelled Transportation – Why not invest in a mountain bike and take daily rides in the countryside? Cycling is very popular here in Thailand, with large groups that go riding over the weekend and through Facebook, you can connect with like-minded people. One of the reasons cycling is so popular is that it works all the major muscle groups, plus it develops cardio and riding every other day is more than enough to keep you in shape. For more information about sports in Thailand, click here.

The above tips can help you become fitter and healthier and you could join the many that have invested in a home gym, which makes working out that much easier.